8/13 scca soloII

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by eyeballs, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. eyeballs

    eyeballs Member

    At Gwinnett fairgrounds I think. Anybody going?

    I'm excited as it will be my first scca event I don't have to waste time with blue tape. Finally got magnets! Only took 7 years. :banana:
  2. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Ugh wish I could go. My car's is not in racing shape at all. SO many things broken and I dont want to break it further.
  3. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    m-chan and briangt are some of our regulars... u could spot m-chan by her pink wheels :)
  4. Ava

    Ava Member

    Is there qualification? what is the blue tape and magnet thing? Sorry...i'm new to the forum and autox and scca... =(
  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    you have the option to reserve a number for the season... until you do that, your number could change at every event... in that case, people use blue masking tape to mark numbers on their cars...

    once you have registered a fixed number, you can go ahead and have magnetic numbers made that you can slap on the side of your car

    there is no qualification
  6. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Mere will be driving a yellow s2000 for this points event, and I will be there driving my ghetto flat black crx. I think we both are running in the afternoon. I might run both afternoon and morning if I get up early enough.

  7. Ava

    Ava Member

    So this is a point system I take it? Could you just show up and run (probably very poorly), but just for fun? Meredith and Brian, I'm just now starting to catch on and finding out who's who on the forum, you have have a s2k and a crx in addition to your evo and STi? wow....

    Oh, and I have met you guys before, now that I thought about it. I met you guys at Frys a couple of months back, you guys have a sticker that looks like a Japanese version of packman or some sort...anyhow...great to know you guys are on the forum. I am interested in autox, however my car is bonestock and i'm afraid of making a fool out there (but i'm always up for some fun driving =) ), is this for pro class or is everyone welcome?
  8. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I sold my evo a couple of weeks ago, and Mere is driving a friend's s2k. We are back to 3 CRXs, 1 civic, 1 STi and the kit car that I am building using an s2000 engine.

    Ah, I remember seeing you at Fry's :) Don't worry about being a fool out there, as everyone out there was as beginner at one point and no one is there to judge. You should signup as a Novice for your first event, and they help you understand how the event is run, and have a Novice course walk to show you what you should be doing out there.

    Hope to see you out at this event,

  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i do it for fun and make a fool out of myself plenty of times... i'm gonna get back into these when i return to atlanta
  10. Ava

    Ava Member

    Thanks!! I'll try to make it out there this sunday. Do I sign up when I get there? And what the heck are you guys doing with that many cars... =)....wow. What made you decided to sell the Evo? I envy you man for having a significant other into the same hobby, that's really cool!
  11. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

  12. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I still need to come out and check out the CRX, been dying to see that thing in action. Will try to come this weekend.
  13. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    It's the millenium falcon of autox cars... it doesn't look like much, but she's got it where it counts!

    Ava hope to see you out there! There are plenty of regulars that will be more than happy to ride in your STi on the event to help you out. Everyone sucks at their first event so don't worry! I'm trying to see if I can beat the s2k in AS with my friend's s2k. I'll be v-teching it!

    Oh make sure to sign up for afternoon novice, most people are running in the afternoon.
  14. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i had the pleasure of riding in it... corners HARD
  15. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    Fo sho. I'm a little miffed, though... According to my tracking information, my Slipstream's won't be in in time for the event. Next time though, R-comps.
  16. eyeballs

    eyeballs Member

    I have to wait for my r-comps until after the new springs come in, hopefully before the subie challenge. Looks like I'm in the morning session. I may stay for TO if I can get them to waive both for the SCCA signup.

    Mere - are you referring to the same S2K that Jay always co-drives?
  17. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Yep, she is driving the yellow one with butterflys on it :)

  18. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Are spectators welcome. I might be able to make it this weekend. I've never actually seen an autocross.
  19. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    yeah, come out and watch look for a silver bug eye with SOG stickers and I'll give you a ride
  20. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Not going to be able to make it this week. Don't have the money. I may try to stop out and visit though. Does the CRX have 2 seats in it. If so, maybe I could at least do a ride along to check it out.
  21. eyeballs

    eyeballs Member

    Luckily for me, everyone in ESP had street tires and voila! I finally had a competitive car, and my first 1st since I moved to GA. Now if only people could leave their r-comps at home at every event...
  22. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    i'm burnt... when the hell did the sun come out?
  23. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Arrived 15 minutes to late for afternoon registration. Got a freaking nail in my autocross tires! WTF?!?!?
  24. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member


    In between my runs I help a lady break into her husbands GC8 after she locked the keys in the car.

    That course was fun!
  25. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    Yeah, so much for mid-70s and overcast. I got cooked, too. But it was still a pretty good time.
  26. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I got cooked too :) but had a fun time. I need to fix my seat so that it doesn't slide around in my car when I drove, as after the morning runs, my seat was held on only by the 2 rear bolts, making it hard to drive.

  27. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

    You put down some very good times congrats on the 1st. As for leaving my r-comps at home... im poor and cant afford them so Im stuck with my crap re-92's untill I kill them. Im the other white wrx in ESP btw.
  28. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    I have r-comps for sale for $400, lots of life left. Check out the For Sale section. ;)
  29. eyeballs

    eyeballs Member

    That's too bad about the sun, at least the morning was nice.

    RE92's definately suck. But they really force you to drive slower and smoother, which of course will make you a better driver. They're also good for rally-x. Now is the time to try that while you still have them on.
  30. Ava

    Ava Member

    I was out there. It was my first time out and it was a blast...the fun and the sun!!! I guess i'm sort of an Asian red neck now! =) It was great to see BrianGT and M-Chan again; and got to meet some people out there too. Tried speaking to the dude (sorry don't know your name, you were running a silver wrx and I think you work for Subaru America), but I don't think he remembers me from the Scavenger hunt. M-Chan and Brian were very helpful on tips. I ran horrible time (would like to blame on the zero thread tires =) ) but it was great and fun nonetheless! I got to do this more often.
  31. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Trey, I'd buy those but they have cord showing, correct?
    that is a safety no-no.

    I was in SM with street tires and got my but kicked. I don;t think I'm ESP legal since i have a swapped turbo, correct?
  32. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

    Im not a 100% sure but when I looked at the rules last I recall seeing somthing about having a stock turbo for esp. Correct me if Im wrong.
  33. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

    I agree with that. Im kinda glad i still have crap tires because Im still learning the car and this being my first year autocrossing I figure street tires give you more of a warning before its to late.
  34. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Nope, no cords showing, the tread is 90+%. These tires are PERFECT for Auto-X.

    My old RE070s had tread showing, that was a different for sale post. :p
  35. eyeballs

    eyeballs Member

    yea you need to keep the stock turbo, but you can run higher boost, and use higher octane fuel. I like ESP so much better than SM, I was definately happy when they changed the rules for this season.
  36. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    Yep; no changes to the turbo in Street Prepared. You can do a lot to make it work more efficiently, however (i.e. intake tract all the way to the heads, catless exhaust, increased boost, etc.).

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