Mountain Run 8-27-06

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Greg, Aug 19, 2006.


Whats a good starting time?

  1. 2PM

  2. 1PM

  3. 12PM

  4. 11AM

    0 vote(s)
  5. 10AM

  1. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Good to know. Everyone needs to read the rules thread by the way! It will be 'spirited' driving, but nothing stupid, just wait for a clear passing spot!
  2. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Is this the same Wal-Mart that we normally meet at?. Do you have a physical address for this one?.

  3. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Its is the one right off of hwy 60, theres a little side road that goes to it. There is that big lake right after it in Dahlonega. Close to the Gold Mine...
  4. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    be safe yall. Please try to keep the speeds under control in the "boring" sections specially since the locals are usually the ones that phone in problem cars. Also lots of animals / kids etc on some of the populated areas..

    good luck
  5. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Yeah, hwy 180 is usually like a cool down lap :)
  6. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    ya I gotta remember to take it easy
    with the rear wanting to understeer so much
    I'll be in back I guess.
  7. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Same place I was thinking of. Meet you there!

    As for me, I will probably also head to the rear. It's not that I can't drive in the mountains(heck, grew up there), its just that I don't drive the fastest (like to stay around the speed limit) and I don't wish to slow anyone down.
  8. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    well go behind me, I can go pretty quick in the 240, it's hard not to.
    it handles very well and my corner speeds are pretty high none the less, just not as balls out as I would have do in the Aristo, that car was so super nuetral and predictable.
    We'll see though I always do a dry speed limit run no matter what.

    is anyone else here a downhill junkie?
    althought uphill is pretty cool to.
  9. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I'd like to see someone keep up :)
  10. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    I'll keep up, just won't be leading the pack ;)
  11. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I'll lead :wavey:
  12. Demo24

    Demo24 Member


    I'm all set! Got my tire's pumped up, got a full tank of gas(think I'll top it off though), and got my walkie talkies with fresh batteries. I'm going to bring an extra radio in case someone forgets, along with a few more AAA batteries.
  13. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I can't go to this mtn. run after all. I need to take my car into SoG on Monday for the chirping noise I am still getting....Sorry...I just don't want to take any chances..

  14. Ended badly in what way??
  15. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Hey man, thats cool
  16. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    son of a bitch
    I can't go
    dumb brake line is fucked and got split when I did my bushings.
  17. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Well it was fun, until you and the evo left me in the dust:naughty:

    Bascially came off the mountain(where the trail shop is), realised you guys were no where to be found. Looked for you a bit but I also realised I'd forgotten where to go afterwards. So not having a map (should have printed one but forgot), I just went on to Brasstown Bald. Got some exercise while my car rested.

    Decided to go back the same way, on the way back down the mountain going to Dahlonega someone in a black bugeye showed up behind me. I still can't figure out where the hell you came from and didn't even notice you until your blow off valve sounded. Was a badass bugeye though, I looked in my mirror and thought Milo's black knight had come back from the dead.:rofl: Would have gone faster with ya, but that was about the limit of the wagon..for now.
  18. jason

    jason Member

    That was me name. I was up there from 11 to 2 and you were the only suby I saw. I didnt know you were with WRX Atlanta beacuse you were by yourself.

    Anyway I had fun by myself.
  19. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    awesome! I was hoping you were going to stop some where down the road and I'd have gone to talk to you. But I got stuck behind that CRV and lost you.
  20. jason

    jason Member

    I was stoped down at the corner restaurant. I guess you didnt see me.
  21. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Nope, guess you blended in too well with all the bikers.
  22. jason

    jason Member

    who all was up there? I did 2 loops,(1counterclockwise/1clockwise) And didnt see anyone.
  23. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Well I know Greg (GPJamesMVT) was there, and there was another guy in an Evo we met at the Walmart parking lot. I think he may have been from NASIOC, but not entirely sure(one of those that traded in but didnt leave the forum).

    However they lost me on that hill going up. So I went off to do my thing and you happened to catch me as I was coming home.

    edit: just curious, how hard were you pushing your car when you were behind me? Were those just my tires howling or yours as well? I couldn't really tell, was also watching the road and not really looking into my mirror.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  24. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    :dunno well apparently nothing is wrong with my brakes, I checked them left and right and up and down, and my master cylinder, and all sorts of chit
    found nothing:dunno
    :grr: :mad: I missed the moutains :mad: :grr:
  25. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Yeah I missed it too... :(

    But maybe we can get a little one together for early september. I know I'm gonna be goin with or without you bishes. :D
  26. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    let me know! I'd probably be game. Now that I looked at the route map I know the loop :) Almost went through the full loop, but decided to go back the way I came. Didn't look to curvy on my map, guess it is in real life
  27. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Hey man, I saw that we left you and stopped at the bottom of 'Blood Mountain' where you turn from hwy129 to hwy180 and we talked there for about 30 min. waiting on you, but you never showed. I just figured that you turned around... The EVO was from, I had a thread on there inviting some of them to go. Sorry about that!
  28. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    odd, I never saw you guys. I can't imagine you got that far ahead of me on that one mountain, I did get caught behind a 4-runner but he was going decently fast down the mountain. oh well, I had fun anyway :wiggle:

    edit: was a good learning experience for me anyway. realise now that I badly need springs and swaybars if I want to come close to keeping up.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  29. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Yeah, as soon as you turn onto 180, theres a place to pull of
  30. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    ah thats probably why, I missed 180 the first time by.

    It's cool though. The road to brasstown bald is super fun, and it was pretty clear today so I could see a good ways:)
  31. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Did a red evo show up for the run?
  32. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i heard its haunting those parts :eek:hnoes:
  33. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    I would've gone, but i just found out my tire wasn't holding pressure and needed patched. :wtc:

    Next time.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2006
  34. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Yeah he did, it was an older guy. Do you know him? I forgot his name, and I'd like to get a hold of him so we can go again sometime
  35. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Yeah his name is Devon, I ran into him at Wendy's and we had lunch and talked about cars, racing events, and I mentioned

    I think he's been lurking on the board and saw the invite for yesterday's run, I would have shown up too but I was on-call for work last week through Sunday.
  36. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    eh? I have to be a smart ass ;)
  37. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    I want to go up there again so bad..cause the schenary is so nice....but in at a medium pace kinda that you can fully take everything in appreciate it...
  38. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    I got a funny story about brasstown or well the roads to it.
    my bro's gf and her best friend growing up would have the driver close their eyes and drive, they knew the roads that well, pretty crazy
  39. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    haha, edited. I meant wasn't.

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