
Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by knhtrdr, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Anybody going to see this? looks pretty good.
  2. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    It kinda looks the same as all his other movies.....badass
    But very similar nonetheless
  3. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    how true i thought it was tranporter 3 when i first saw the ad on tv. :keke:
  4. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Yeah I'm a big Jason Statham fan (he's a good action star) so I'm looking forward to it.
  5. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I thought it was Grand Theft Auto the Moobie. :rofl:
  6. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    Yeah i thought the same thing but still want to see it looks good.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i like his hair style... very similar to mine :keke:
  8. Intrigue2727

    Intrigue2727 Member

    This Should Be A Great Movie
  9. E-Mol

    E-Mol Member

    Saw it, much better than his transporter movies.
  10. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    He was awesome in Snatch, Crank looks pretty decent.. gonna wait 4 dvd though..
  11. E-Mol

    E-Mol Member

    Not oscar worthy but entertaining. Not pointless action either like Transporter 2.
  12. KingofSiam

    KingofSiam Member

    I liked it.
    it just keeps going....

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