Racecomp engineering has brackets to make the rears fit. My STI Brakes will be up for sale shortly. Matt
I dont know about RCE's, but expect to pay about $600 for the Godspeed kit, and $650 for the twr kit.
Seems just getting the fronts then some good drilled and/or slotted rear would be a good option. I just can't see paying $600 for some brackets!!
Well, the twr kit comes with rotors as well. So not a bad deal at only $50 over the godspeed one. But yeh, still not worth it imo.
Before I forget, its important that I answer this question; NO. The 2005-2006 STi have a different bolt pattern than the 04 STis. So, to answer your question, only 2004 (5x100) STi rotors will fit on your wrx.