What's The Deal?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Goose013, Sep 19, 2006.

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  1. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    What the hell is the deal with people who post that they either want to buy something from you or sell something to you but do neither? It's frustrating when someone says they want to buy a part and then after you do the work in getting it ready you never here from them again; it's also frustrating when you are trying to give someone money for an item and they won't even respond to your pm's. I mean if you sold the damn part to someone else just say so, but this is b/s. When I sell something it's done right and fast and if I say I'm going to buy something then you better believe I'm sending the payment right then. This is such juvenile crap that goes on all the time, not only here but on nasioc also. Stop waisting peoples time!
  2. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    I'm the same way man. I haven't had any problems on here or nasioc yet, but on IA and IL that happens all the time. My buddy and I always laugh about how ridiculous it is.
  3. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I am sure that the person will get back with you...Be patient.

  4. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    this has never happened to me either here or NASIOC... have you responded to their threads? just in case their PM box is full... if u want, PM me the screenname of the member you are referring to and i'll check to see if their inbox is full
  6. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    I'm not going to worry about it milo, I'm just going to buy my stuff somewhere else and put my parts back in storage.
  7. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    happened here to me on wrxatlanta
    agreed on price boxedup brought to install day guy never shows up even i left numerous pms, messages, emails,...
    yes thats BS
  8. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    I had some problems on ClubWRX.net. It eventually got worked out and I got paid for the parts 4 months later. It turned out the guy just didn't frequent the boards that often and didn't get my message that the payment wasn't recieved. So he didn't have any idea, or at least thats what I would like to believe.
  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Use our feedback systems, that's why I put it there :) Much like ebay or whatever you want to refer to it as, the feedback system is a way for each of us to rate each other. If you were pleased OR unhappy with a sale via a WRXatlanta member, please provide them with feedback, respectively.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2006
  10. blink

    blink Member

    So you'll just bitch about it then? It happens..
  11. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    everyone needs to vent a little sometimes :)
  12. blink

    blink Member

  13. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    yeah, I will, because it's a pain in the ass. I've had my car for 4 years & been doing this a long time and it's finally come to a head. There are rules of etiquette people should follow and if you say you are going to do something then do it...."you're only as good as your word" like my dad says. And who are you to jump my shit?
  14. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    ok guys, if this is going to be an argument, im going to lock this thread
  15. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Don't worry about it. I came to accept a while back that this forum has been on a downward slope, and is about as useful as IA...

    There are better forums out there, so don't give up entirely.

  16. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    that maybe your opinion... hope u enjoy the better forums out there...
  17. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I spoke to Alex about this a few times, and he agrees that it has been going downhill... This is just what happens when the demographic changes, and forums get bigger.

  18. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Each one has their own opinions... i dont think its going downhill... i just think some of the older members are becoming more NASIOC like: looking down upon new members, thinking their interests are the best and others interests are stupid, etc... i have seen this attitude displayed a couple times by older members on this board... this never used to happen when the older members were newbies themselves
  19. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    If that is your opinion.. fine. I don't feel like getting in an argument about my perception of the forum's direction vs yours. You are allowed to believe whatever you want. I don't appreciated you calling my opinion uncalled for.

  20. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    in terms of forum quality, i believe its getting better... in the old days, things like uppipe installs were a big deal... now we have knowledgeable people sharing information on suspension setups, openECU, etc...

    in terms of meets, our events now are bigger than ever

    so what do u think is going downhill?
  21. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i think it was... but i still went ahead and edited it immediately... look at my post above

    i dont want to sit down and argue with u on this either... lets just say, the people who like this place will keep coming back... i cant keep everyone happy
  22. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    That is fine. Since you are a moderator, I guess you can go back and edit it out of my post also ;)

  23. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    With our recent influx of new members, we have begun to develop a mixed crowd of both old knowledgeable members and those that are new and looking to learn. What is true is that WRXatlanta is developing into certain sub-groups which is just dandy with me. We have our lovely auto-x'ers, we have our track junkies, we have our wrx encylcopedias, we have our show guys (and gals), we have our draggers, we have our "if its crazy, I wanna do it!" peoples and finally we have our new members who for most, their wrx is their first Subaru. They're full of questions, some great, some silly. But that's how our community ties together, and as far as I am concerned its working out smooth as butter.

    It really all is quite a logical progression Ive come to terms with. What we're seeing here is the product life cycle of the cars themselves. They're getting cheaper, and allowing those who have been interested in the past but unable to afford a subaru buy in. That's great, I love watching our community grow!

    Now it would be a mistake to deny that I have had some conerns with where the site is heading in the past, however, after countless meetings between myself, Milo and the other mods, we've managed to work through the issues Ive seen and come out on top.

    It is fair to say that the large technical knowledge boost we had back in the day has slowed down now. However, we're all coming to terms with what these cars are cappable of and what's out there for them. Most of us have been around the block onec or twice with these bad boys and we know a thing or two. Most of what we've figured out we've posted, discussed and moved on with. Those countless threads are still hanging around waiting for new owners to find and grow from.

    With all of that said, the WRXatlanta team meets monthly to discuss issues like this as well as plan for all of our events (ie NOPI, Scavenger Hunt, Petit le Mans), meets, gatherings, installs, etc. We're currently working on goals for 2007 as well as a gigantic event calendar. I welcome all criticism and if you would like to voice your opinion please do so in the correct thread. We have one specifically for concerns about anything and everything WRXatlanta.com. It is conviently located in our "Announcements, Help & Ideas" forum. We created this forum to allow our members the ability to seek help with the website itself, as well as voice their concerns, comments and questions. Please visit the thread we created for everyone to do so appropriately. What can we do to improve your WRXatl browsing experience ?

    As most of you can see, the improvement thread has helped me develop the site even further to what all of you want from your WRXatlanta.com. We've created numerous OT sections for OT discussions, auto-x section, tracking, etc, etc. We've even gone so far as to create the WRXatlanta Challenege for those members interested in auto-x to help bring our community feel to the local SCCA scene.

    We are constantly at work 28 hours a day to help improve our community and move it in a direction we are all happy with. Nevertheless, there is only so much we can do without the opinions of our nearly 1000 members. I look forward to what all of you have to say and to growing further than where I could have ever imagined us. Remember, when I started all of this, the first meet was three people :D

    Best of luck,

    Oh, and before I forget, I do appologize for the thread jack goose. Unfortunately, its just life my friend. Some people flat out stink. If you'd like me to remove these posts and place them in the suggestions thread so you have a clean thread back, just let me know.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2006
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