im gonna wake up and check the forecast... if it says anything more than 30% chance of rain, then i wont be going
Pretty sure they'll run the event rain or shine, but it will be much less fun to be a spectator in the rain. Debating going right now.
Radar says it's raining there right now. Looks like it might clear out by 10:00, but since Milo isn't going and Alex can only take 1 per run
yeah, and i can't afford to make myself sick again in the cold wet... Sucks too, since i can never make saturday events...
Thanks to Alex and Randy for letting me co-drive their cars today. It was a lot of fun! You guys should have come out for the afternoon session (sign up for TO2 - time only afternoon), and you don't have to worry about running the morning if rain is forecasted. The weather was absolutely beautiful after noon. -- Brian
My best time was a 59.451. My brother co drived with me and his best time was a 57.428 It was also my first time, and my brother's third time, but he drove 2 differnet cars the other times. I'm definitally going to start autocrossing more. It was a blast!
Even with the rain while I drove up there, things were moderately overcast up until I left around 1pm. No rain, you guys missed out Ive got some in-car video as well, Ill try to get that up. Thanks again Brian.
glad u guys had fun... my main issue with rain is that i dont want to have to drive my car with the windows open and get the interior all wet... i like autoX but i love my car
Yeah, next time, I definately want to do a day of ride alongs before I even think about taking my own car, though I'm still split on if I ever will till I'm out of warrenty. Good luck at the physical.
prelim results are up!: Congrats to Randy for winning A-stock and PAXing 27th / 154 cars, taking the WRXatl challenge win! -- Brian
It did turn out to be a really nice day, weather wise. As usual, it was a ton of fun, just wish I could make it more often. Ah well, maybe next year...
Thanks. Let it serve as proof that every dog has its day. I hope to see y'all out there at the next one.
Although my best time was 57 something, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. More importantly, each run I took I was dropping seconds on the nasty morning slick ground. I've just about finished editing the video we took so I'll upload that in a few minutes. Cheers,
\ In the morning I could not break 56. In the afternoon I was in the the 54's. I needed to be in the 52's but my tires weren't having it. Funny thing, what I thought was my back end loosing traction turned out to be me hitting the rev limiter!!! I guess I need to find third gear now.