First I'd like to say thanks to everyone for showing my wife and I a great time at Tiesto. Tiesto was fantastic, I've never seen a guy have that much fun mixing live before. You should buy ISOS 5 too, it's very nice Second, I'm sorry I haven't been around much and haven't posted shit. I've been a little busy lately. but I think the latest should make up for it somewhat... Departures: about two hours of mostly new stuff, i've poured over it and tweaked it for he last two weeks. and yes, it's broken into mixed tracks Feedback is welcomed as always. Downloads: Tracklist: Silver Sun (tyler c, state of matter) Second Turn (jonas steur) Illusion (sterio mcgrath) Another Day (stoneface & terminal) Larry Mountains 54 (david west) Air for Life (orig above & beyond) Transatlantic (andy moore) The Space We Are (ocallahand mix - ronski speed) Beautiful (cortsen) The Ones We Loved (dogzilla mix) Flow (Gareth) Shipwrecked (Gareth Leaving London (Team SR main)
30 people checked this out? if you dl and listen, please let me know what you think, i need the feedback thanks guys
Have you fixed the 2nd ZIP file? I couldn't extract it either. The first one I've listened to the first 15mins and it sounds awesome. Burned it to an audio CD and it's in my CD changer now. Thanks a lot, it's an awesome mix. On the other hand, if anyone wants to take a look at my MP3 collection of Trance/House/DnB stuff, let me know. It's roughly 50gbs and I have a lot of things between 1990-2004 and collecting new things as well. I stopped in the middle for a year or two when I was running out of HDD space for it. -Russ
I'm gonna check this out....I'll let you know what I think....I'm no expert or anything though...the reviews so far have sparked my interest...
thanks for all the props guys, turns out number 2 was incomplete upload, im re-uploading now. should be up in about an hour.
I think this is awesome, But I tried DLing part 2 and the ZIP is corrupt. Nice job on this, I will definately burn it and listen to it while I drive!!! dennis
sorry guys, i know the dep 02 is kinda fucked, i'm working on the solution, i'll let ya know when i get it working. thanks
i'm really glad everyone seems to dig the set, and please-if there is any feedback let me know (even if it's a "bass too high, mid too low, your track selection sucks, ect"). if it's an audio thing, give me a time sig of when it happens. of course, it's not like i *want* something to be wrong with it-i just like things to be right (technically) i'll prob have another ready in a week or so. meanwhile, i'll keep an ear out for good mixes/sets and pass em on.
Noice. I'll burn these to an audio CD to keep with me, my friends and I are always looking for new stuff. I'd say that 1 was more my style, but 2 kept me very interested. Some tracks Ive heard before but many I havent. You perform here in ATL at all?
thanks perform in atl? oh, how i'd love too. i'm a corporate monkey for now, but that will change in about 1.5yrs i may do some small private stuff in the nearer future, as long as people don't mind laptops instead of decks
Well I do have a sounds like ass on my stock stereo! Can you turn DOWN the goodness so my stock stereo can handle it? hahaha....
i had the same problem (stock stereo suckfullness) i thought my cones were fucked. i'll try something with a little less bass across the board, but i found in my car that if you shift the fade to the back speakers by about 2 and zero out your bass (not negative, just 0) it should all good. the front speakers cant handle shit, and there's no bass cutoff apparently. there is a lot of fidelity in these tracks (i.e. i don't need to turn anything up, just down lol), which is a good thing, but cheaper systems tend to choke on em try it out and let me know-i'm curious i'll do a test with the new EQ sometime this week and see if it helps.
I still haven't sold my old car which has a nice stereo system, i'll try it in that and see what it sounds like. 2-12" Image dynamics in custom closed box with orion amp and nakamichi 6 channel for speakers polks and pioneer. with upgraded wire all around and kenwood deck.
Mix Has been reposted-fixed EQ i've re-eq'd the whole mix and i'm reposting now. should be up shortly. and should not destroy stock speakers