it be ok for me to drive in the snow with my stock tires? im about to go skiing and don't know if its ok or not to take my car
gatlinburg..we have a cabin up there...thanks guys for not being a asshole like these guys
Exactly, yeh wrxatlanta :bowdown: . Boo Nasioc, who needs those a'holes anyways ssh: . Just make sure you have decent tread depth. That is really whats important for bite. I also just added a comment to that thread, I am rexineffects over there btw.
personally, i wouldnt go that far... i must say there are some cool guys on there and a lot of them are my friends... however the no name smack talkers unfortunately outnumber the good people
Yeah. I always take Unabomber, Uncle Scotty, Dave, and a few others advice. The others can get a life.
True, there are probably some very knowledgable people on there, but to have a moderator making fun of someone for a simple question is just inappropriate. I know we all change our tires when Dec. 21 hits.
I can't say for the RE070s but the RE92s are decent in the snow. I did alot of driving in the Snow with my old WRX and never had a problem. The RE070s are more of a Summer Performance Tire, but I would still think they would be ok in a little snow. Maybe try finding someone with an 06 WRX that may be willing to trade Wheels for a couple days, the 06 WRXs still have the RE92s, right.
yeah the one time it snowed down here I had lots of fun with my RE92' was actually a lot harder to get out of control than I had previously thought, but I also have years of tundra remember one time I was driving home to upstate NY in my lowered monte w/ toyo T1-s tires and hit some pretty serious snow, luckily my exit wasn't closed yet and I got home..but it was crazy to say the least...just took it slow and didn't make any sudden moves (utilized the low gears in the auto tranny).....then I swapped out to my winter car for the trek back to college......good times...:hs:
Jesus Christ, they are ridiculous. I heart WRXATlanta Anyways, I've taken my old re92s in the snow and I didn't think it was scary at all. I know you have a different tire, but I"ve numerous accounts of how much my old ones sucked in the snow, and I thought they were just fine. So I'd take all of the a**holes' advice with a grain of salt. It would probably be much better to have a set of all-seasons, but I think you'll make it a weekend on the sti stockers.
just replied to the nasioc thread.... i can't believe how quickly people get jumped on over there. makes me appriciate you guys much more. anyway, they are considered summer tires and if it was me, i wouldn't risk it. i would go get a rental. there is no reason to drop money winter wheels and tires for just one trip like they want you to do. just my opinion though.
thanks guys for the backup. they're all telling me to go buy winter tires just so i can drive my car for 3 days in the snow.
Bah, just be careful and realize what ya got! As long as you have good tread left you should be ok. Some of those guys can be real asshats. I have to say that Uncle Scotty and I have got into it several times due to his nature. He can really be a jerk. Unabomber seems like a decent enough fellow. I have exchanged several pms with him and he seems like a cool guy and is more than willing to share his knowledge and experiences.
I sell tires for a living if you went out and bought a set of snow tires it would be the bigest wast of money ever. Your stock ones will be just fine, Thats like saying if it snowes here we should all run out and buy snow tires for a couple days of snow. No way man just keep your stock ones.
If you're on the RE92's you should be ok, be careful though. If you're on the RE070's you probably shouldn't. I know I wouldn't. If you're old enough, look into renting a car and using it. There's no need for winter tires just to drive in snow for 3 days (it's rediculous that they'd even suggest that given where you live). Good luck with whatever you decide though. Have fun!!
Odds are where your going the only snow will be man made and they don't generally cover the streets with man made snow