Computer help! ChkDsk

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Dark_Templer102, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. Well, I'm not sure how this even happened, but it says i need to check drive D for errors or what not. To begin with, its FAT32, and a drive made by HP to use incase my C drive fails and needs to have all the Windows info. Its only a 10 gigs big, and when ChkDsk is done, it doesn't even find any errors. But then it just hangs there. I've left it on for 3 hours and it does nothing. I just have to keep restarting the computer and yelling at it till it lets me go to the log-in screen. Can anyone help?

    Might sound weird, but i disconnected everything before hand (to take it to a lan party, but then decided moving it), but did re-connect the power cord. Then 5 hours later, i reconnected everything, and started it up. It didn't give me the ChkDsk, but i realized i put in my monitor connection backwards (running duals), and while on the start up screen i flipped my connections back to normal, but then the computer got reallly laggy and had random lines and flashing every once in a while. Then i restarted the computer and got the damn ChkDsk warning which tells me everything is fine.

  2. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    can you not bypass it? Trying to figure out exactly what your problem is.
  3. Well i had to reset the damn thing 20 or more times to just log in. I've never even touched anything on D drive. It won't even let me, its just a recovery drive. I scaned it for de-frag and didn't say it needed it
  4. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    just delete the partition and then make a new partition? there's nothing on there right?
  5. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    if its not a virus, then sounds like it may be having a hardware failure of some kind.

    A stop error would throw a code or just reboot...
  6. legacy05gt

    legacy05gt Member

    If you have info on the drive that you need and can't afford to format it, try running a chkdsk from the Recovery Console. To get to the recovery console, boot from your O/S cd and choose repair. It'll bring up a "Command Prompt" although it takes slightly different commands than your normal cmd prompt. If chkdsk c: /p /r does not work, run fixboot c: . Fixboot will repair your boot sector, ive had to run this a few times on b0rk3d drives.
  7. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    i dont think the bootsector is the issue otherwise there would be an NTLOADR error or something... he wouldn't be able to run anything...

    CHEMSOLDIER27 Member

  9. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    HP does not give a Win XP disk with the computer. Everything is on the D Drive as a recovery drive. If you format that drive, you will lose your Win XP license and have to purchase it, or run a Non Genuine XP and not be able to do updates.
  10. Ya, you think i can back up that recovery file?

    It seems like it went random, must mean my hard drive is dieing or something
  11. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    or switch to linux. :)
  12. legacy05gt

    legacy05gt Member

    Ubuntu FTW
  13. No idea. windows just sucks, but i'll live through it for now.

    It works now...oddly. And it loves to chkdsk my Ipod because it is slightly messed up, but then it hangs.

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