Well I have been having some serious DSL disconnect issues with Bellsouth. It started out every once in a while i would get disco'd while gaming. Well recently the problem has gotten so bad that I get disconected anywhere from 3-5 times an hour. So I call them and hear "Thank for choosing the new AT&T now merged with Bellsouth". Everything is voice activated. Please tell us what kind of problem are you having and please say that if you need something else. Well after spending about 5 minutes conversating with a damn computer I finally get a human on the phone. Only to have to explain the entire problem again (I guess I just wasted my time sweet talking the computer because apparently it didnt relay one word of my story ). So they sent out a tech to solve the problem only to make it worse. So I call back a couple of days later and go through the same rigamorrow and have another tech sent out. A few more days go by and i am still having the same problem. Well at this point I am fed up and frustrated so I cancelled service. I have Comcast Cable internet being installed tomorrow and Vonage telephone service coming on Thursday. Woot for me. Anyway after hearing about the AT&T/Bellsouth merge I found this article to be interesting.
Interesting stuff. While I have not expereinced bad enough fluctuations to actually kick me out of games, I have expereienced some weird internet activity over the last month or so. I really hope that nothing happens to the DSL service as it has been rock solid for 3 years now. As for the merger, I plan on getting rid of my home phone and such anyway, lol. Let us all know what you think about vontage.
We've got bellsouth DSL and it just has problems viewing certain pages. I know the Bank of America website doesnt work for my roommates.
BellSouth started having serious DNS issues a while back. I switched to running Treewalk on my machines and it's been troublefree since.
I had comcast and it was way faster then the dsl we did have, I think if you get their phone service the net is like 20 bucks cheaper also...
:werd: Still waiting for Verizon FIOS to move south, so Comcast will up my speed again. I think you'll be really pleased with how fast comcast is...
Comcast blows, 90% packect loss in Atlanta on a good day DSL isnt much better, esp thanks to this. There's no winner if you ask me.
my comcast tv and internet is terrible although i've had earthlink/bellsouth dsl and also had poor service so who knows. As long as comcast or verizon don't get any larger i'm ok with it.
I've used Earthlink DSL and now Comcast in the Atlanta market. I have had far fewer slowdowns and service issues with Comcast than I had with Earthlink. Comcast can be aggravating, but at least their tech support and customer service are local and are empowered to provide answers. Tech support for Earthlink was done from overseas and it was obvious they were not allowed to actually provide full customer service. They were there simply to weed out as many people as possible. Anyways, I don't notice the 90% packet loss in my daily use with comcast....just my .02....
Of COURSE there's a winner... Officer-level executives + golden parachute compensation package = TEH WINNAR!!11 consumers, and work force you mean? those are "marketshare and headcount" their marketshare will increase by default of fewer competitors (cause they ate 'em), and the headcount is just another way of reducing operating costs... no REAL people get hurt. ...sort of
ditched Earthlink years ago and Comcast has been great, service is rarely out,download speeds has been fast and consistent
woohoo... 7.4 mbps download and 368 kbps upload...lets just say i am much happier. I was lucky if I could get 1.5 mbps on a good day with Bellsouth
maria and i recently ditched bellsouth and direct tv. between dsl, satellite, and home phone, we were paying roughly 160 bucks a month. we are now with Charter and they have a package....digital cable with a buttload of movie channels, phone (kept old number) WITH unlimited long distance and local, with high speed internet all for $109 a month. much better service so far w/ Charter.
I've had Comcast for 3 years now and although it is pretty fast it doesnt half mess about. Sometimes it just decides not work for random periods and quite a few of the techs that've came round knew sod all... for one he didnt know how to set up a HD connection so i ended up doing that. Seems that their solution for most things is just hit reset on the box at the end of the driveway. Every internet company i've had, i've never had internet 24/7 like they say.