Hello, and welcome to WRXatlanta:wavey: I live in Peachtree City, but i go to school in South Carolina. maybe i'll see you around when i come home.
Policetree city... j/k. were you home for thanksgiving? I'm sure ive seen you around, I work for fayette wrecker so I'm always riding around fayette co.
I'm from Policetree City too but go to school in Atlanta so I might also see you around while I'm home for the break. Welcome!
Was that you or one of your coworkers I spied near the airport hauling an entire jet engine on a fayette wrecker flatbed.
Lol... that was one of our other guys. I'll be leaving fayette wrecker next week and starting a new job...yay. Mo money-mo money-mo money...
Sorta missed it, it was December 30th Next up is an install day, then a track event, and while the weather is still cool, prob a drag event.
I always see a white Sti at this apartment building near/across from fayette Co. HS, in the middle of where hwy 54 splits to become oneways. car sometimes parked at an angle. maybe you?
props for fayettes co people. i'm from peachtree city as well living in atlanta now. probably will be there this weekend but not with my wrx (looooooong story) but maybe i'll see you driving around
Welcome. My parents live in Griffin close to the Fayette county side. Nice ride, hopefully see ya at a GTG.