this is more of gripe than a sighting, but nevertheless... Ok, so i see a WRX/STi almost everyday at lunch. i'll wave, or flash my high-beams everytime, because i'm a huge nerd, and i haven't had ANYONE since Aug. show me the love :wtc: where's the love folks, are there that many WRXs in that area not on the boards, or know that its the unwritten Subi LAW? What gives? Ok, i feel better now
True, True, I pass several that NEVER return the favor. 100% stock and probably not interested. Oh well. If you ever see a black bugeye with eyelids, exhaust tip big enough to put your head into, Katzkin leather seats, it is me I WILL show the luv.
I work off of Power Ferry and Windy Hill and I wave whenever I see a WRX or STi, other drivers like Foresters don't usually pay attention at all. However, I've only seen like 2 maybe on powers ferry when I am out on lunch. That's in the last 3 months.
I live/work off powers ferry and basically quit waiving at the subies around that area because there was absolutely no love LOL but if you waive at me I always waive back
thought i was loser or something ssh: , but finally i got a wave this morning. black 04/05 WRX, wingless with a sweet front-mount.
I work near power ferry/windy hill/terrell mill and I see subarus all the time too, but I am in my civic, so I don't even try to wave. I used to wave in my evo, and wave if I am driving my wife's sti. -- Brian