I was on my way home from class today. I pull up to a red light and stop. I see a guy in a black bugeye sedan take a left from the intersecting road onto my road. About 5 or 10 seconds later the light changes green and I pull off and begin to chase him down. I catch him within a mile and pull along side him and give him the wave. You know that wave we all give each other in recognition that in the game of car-buying, we all win. I was in no way trying to race him or even pretend to race him. I just smiled and gave the lazy peace sign. Anyway, he looks over at me and gives me the most F'ed up look ever. Like "what the F do you want?" I was kinda confused at first but then I realized that maybe he just didn't like my 06. Whatever, it was just weird. He totally looked to be the type that would wave back and he didn't. The End.
Well, if you chased me down, I might give you a F'd up look at first too. There are alot of shall we say "street racer" types in Subarus these days and it can be hard to tell the difference. I look for the WRXAtlanta sticker on their windows. Its kind of like the USDA sticker on meat...
I bet you had that aggressive look on your face. Or you probably revved your engine just at the wrong time. hahaha...j/k. I saw an old looking woman in a silver WRX wagon (04 ish) but she didn't even look my way.
LMAO!!! USDA.....that's funny as hell. I have two grey stickers on my back window and I'm looking for 1 more yellow to have the 3d affect Jason's got going. I got one yellow from him. Anyone have an extra yellow sticker? Yellow=fast. :naughty:
This forum should hold some kind of car ownership revoking priviledges for people like that. Just take the car away from them 'till they get the intricacies, jargon, and ethics of owning a subaru down and done. Then put them on probation with some kind of optical "Subie Wave" detector in their car for a given period of time... then release them back into the wild, rehabilitated and overall helping the subaru society as a whole.
I've had tons of people not notice and of course that is a completely understandable and acceptable. Also, I am not the "street racer" type at all and when I say chase him down, I mean at like 55 in a 45, not at like 90. And when I pulled along side him it wasn't like I was honking or revving my engine or anything. I was trying to say whatup to a fellow subie driver. Maybe ha was just having a bad day. He did have an overpriced-looking blonde with him.
I wasn't implying that YOU were a "2f2f type" just that its harder and harder to know what the intentions of the person behind the wheel are. Two years ago, if you drove a WRX, chances are that you were an enthusiast, these days, who knows....
i said this in '05..." yeah i find myself left hanging at least a few times a week. the upside = makes subaru a more viable and sustainable company state-side. the downside = any dipshit will drive one. " let me now add to this by saying: as they get older they become more financially available to the teen racer = a lot more dipshits are now driving one. bottom line... the dipshits will eventually overtake the enthusiasts. but i still love you guys
amen brother..... i give em the wave or flash my lights........most of the time u can tell the dipshitz right away....but most other subie enthusiasts will pull over & kick it for a min.
I always enjoy it when I get waves or light flashes from non Impreza subies. Like a month ago back in Augusta I got passed by a Forrester XT that flashed and waved, it was pretty cool
I know one time I saw a STI parked at a house and just rang the door bell and we just kicked it for a while talking about this and that it was awesome.
:rofl: No wave...don't fret. Maybe dude had a bad day at work or something, or thought you were a stalker. :dunno Kidding.