yea..i might wait till the first update comes out just to be safe but i like the new look and some of the features i have seen
I am running it in a VM to familiarize myself with it. We will probably start useing it soon. Nothing like being on the bleeding edge...
I am currently using it on my main computer at home. Not my choice totally. I repair computers for a living so I have to know how to support the OS. So far, as long as the UAC(User Account Control) is turned off its really nice. With a fast system and lots of ram your most used apps should open and run faster than before. Vista uses as much ram as you have. It will use all the physical ram before using the page file on the hard drive. Nvidia has release motherboard drivers for the 4,5,6 series Nforce boards. Performance was improved on my system(nforce 4 Ultra). Their video drivers are lacking but the 100 series for the 6,7,8 video cards runs at about 90% of XP performance. ATI has fewer issues with their drivers and higher performance. Overall I like it so far. XP will still be king for the next year or so but Vista is not as bad as we thought. DX10 games will make you upgrade your system eventually. When you do, you will be going Vista anyway.
I used Vista in Beta and now have a copy of Vista Business at home. However, many people doing installs with Vista on XP machines are finding driver/hardware incompatibilities, and maybe even more important for you, problems with games. I am going to hold off for a few months and let the driver selection mature before I install vista. When I beta'd it (up to RC2) I didn't find a real compelling reason to upgrade right now. If I was building a brand new machine though, I would probably go ahead and spec it out for Vista and then run it...
I haven't had a chance to dive into it very much yet, but it looks to be a decent learnign curve to get up to speed like I know XP now. Plus my VM uses half my RAM so I am going to ask for another comptuer to play with it on here at work. Others in the company have found it to be fairly easy to adapt to. We really can't go that far until Trend gets 8.0 out that will support it. It is going into Beta here soon. So we will see.
That is where the problem lies. Right now not many AV companies support Vista and that is one of main thing you need in a corporate environment, shoot even at home. I don't play games so don't know. I do know that my boss was running Office 2007 on Vista and went to paste some text into PPT and PPT just shut down. It would not come back up. He had to reload the whole office package. But hey it was still in beta at the time. There will always be service packs no matter what. I am digging the CPU and RAM gauges and the rotating images... Still more to play with and learn.
Its only been out a week and a half. We are still learning. I am really digging the precache tech they have. The programs I use most(even WoW) runs and loads faster. WoW had about a 5% performance hit but thats due to Nvidia's driver. Everything does load faster in Wow though.
I've been useing it since some of the first betas were out. It's improved nicely, but I still find it pointless. Honestly the same thing can be done with modifications to XP. And really when you use it thats what it feels like. Just XP, with a skin change, more complicated windows, and a few added features. I think it's a pointless operating system for the most part. I can't think of any real reason to upgrade to it. For those planning on running it on a domain. That's changed slightly. Conveniently it will save your logins, so you can log in as different people at the same time. Kind of like Linux in that sense. However it does not always work so nicely, and has crashed on me several times requiring a hard shutdown. and yes it does require many more resources than xp(if its running cleanly). The trade off is that I believe it caches things more thus creating the illusion that things open faster. Menus, and folders(even with massive amounts of data inside) tend to open quite quickly. One thing you NEED to make sure is to not even think about running it on 512mb. That really sucks, bumping up to 1gb is a very noticeable difference. Never tried 2gb, but I suspect it helps. I have had few compatibility issues. Although I haven't installed a whole ton of stuff, I haven't had any issues. One thing I will commend it on is its driver support. It typically finds everything and is able to install those drivers from the dvd. If its not on the disk then 9/10 times they have them for download from windows update. and yes UAC is horribly annoying.
Cannarella, Officescan 7.85 currently supports Vista. If you're using Trend then this should be fairly easy to get.
Vista is all about built in DRM & Security(for people who don't know how to surf safe). The cache'ing improvements are nice (ReadyBoost, etc.), but overall performance still takes a hit. The only reason many people will be upgrading is to get DX10, which is bogus. It's basically the only carrot MS has to get knowledgeable gamers off XP anytime soon.
One of my users who is running Vista got it and said that it was spitting up messages that it could not do this or that. I don't even know where he got it. I went out to Trends page and can't find it at all. Maybe thet removed it or that was the Alpha for 8.0. I just got back from the Trend Cutsomer Advisory Council a week ago and they were saying that 8.0 will fully support it. I will have to call my sales guy on Monday and see what is going on...
Here we go. (about Vista)
Yeah, UAC is that bad. I turned it off. I bet SP1 revamps it and makes it less annoying. I know general users will complain as loud or louder than the beta testers did. There are just more of them.