My wife and I have been thinking about investing in camping equipment and trying it out for a new hobby. I used to go camping with my parents a lot a long while ago but they had a really nice 5th wheel. It seems like an inexpensive hobby (which is what I like) after you buy all the initial equiment. I will probably buy a nice tent, sleeping bags and all of the other necessities. Anyone else here like camping? What/Where are some good places nearby (1-2 hours away) to camp?
It's a little more than 2 hours but the nicest place I've camped was called cataloochee valley. It's in the smokies on the NC side. I went with 8 other guys this summer and it was just beautiful. Over MLK weekend I camped in Cade's Cove (also in the smokies but in Tennessee) with some friends. It was still nice around there, the campground wasn't all that great though. Personally I'm not huge on camping. I mena I probably wouldn't do it if it weren't for my friends. But I definitely enjoy it still. Also there are often some nice twisties on the way there
I go camping all the time. A couple of good local places are Stone Mountain park and Lake Lanier Islands. At both of these places there are things to do which helps to entertain the kiddies. Most of the camping in the mountains around here there is not much to do outside of hiking/biking.
i camp alot also going this weekend as a matter of fact. once you own your own equipment the only expencive part of camping can be the food. maybe thats just cause i like to make giant steaks and such over the open fire. goodluck with the new hobby.
I love camping Sometime in March you guys should go down to Skiddaway in Savannah. Great camp areas down there.
Celine and I both like to camp/hike. We have just been waiting for the baby to get a little older before we tried to take it up again. We both have nice 2-3 day packs, but will need to upgrade/replace almost all our other equipment before we go again...
Go to, it has a list of a ton of state and national parks and even has crude maps of the campsites. Not that it has all of the places to camp by any means but i has quite a few that you may not have heard about. One of my favorites is Lake Conasauga in north GA. Its a beautiful lake that you can canoe or kayak on and no motor boats are allowed. As far as camping equipment, check out everything there is relatively cheap, so you can get a nicer tent for less. In my opinion spend more on the tent because a crappy tent will leak. Even cheap sleeping bags are still decent, unless you are backpacking for days. And get a sleeping bag rated for colder temperatures than you plan to camp in. For example, my bag is rated to 20 F, but I don't go camping when its that cold. If you can, get one with a full cover rainfly, not the partial umbrella looking ones, because they suck in the rain. I had a tent blow over in a storm, no fun. Even if you don't plan on going out during bad weather, its best to be prepared. I go camping and climbing almost every weekend, and I used to work at REI, so if you have any gear questions, I could help you out.
I enjoy what you might consider 'camping'. My bro brings his honda generator so we have lights, TV, sometimes the DSS and dish as well:rofl: Hiking is out of the question with the huge cooler and multiple cases of beer:wiggle:
hey didn't we talk about this when we were installing milo's front mount? I down for this....we should bring the lady friends as well....I'm going to research some places....
Its extremely cheap to rent a nice camp ground, it wouldnt be very hard to get our hands on a couple tents either. I say we go up to the mtns
As long as they have room for an RV My days of sleeping in a tent are long over. One weekend of non-stop rain with my wife and our son who was 3 at the time was enough to convince me it was time to upgrade.
Its that whole getting in touch with nature, theres nothing more "natural" than sweating to death in a plastic tent while camping during the summer
I am a camping / hiking /climbing whatever person. Heck 3 hours from us your into the Smokey Mountains. Lots of great organized sites for car camping. otherwise you can check out the nantahala area in NC. closer to home just head north. Tons of places around Dahlonega , Suches, tellico plains, up towards the hiwassee river are, once your up that way venture over to the Ocoee river. Lots of camping there to. Amicola falls has some nice places. Need any opinions etc on equipment just holler.
I havent been in years but used to love going camping in boy scouts. I'm down for a weekend trip to the mountains. Camp and drink all night, wake up and drive around all day, then come back and good a kickass meal over an open fire. My parents have a lot of camping supplies that I could borrow (stoves, a tent for me, a couple of sleeping bags).
I primitive camp also. I am doing a section of the Foothills Trail in S.C. next week. Lake Jocasse in S.C. is a beautiful spot to camp, considering there are some easily accessible water falls nearby. is a good source for all of the trails in S.C. Have fun!
I backpack/hike regularly and do plain old camping also.When you are ready let us know what you are looking for. lots of nice places around.
Blood Mountain right is not far from where 400 ends, if I recall you go until 400 dead ends take a left and go to the top of the mountain, you can go either way on the trail, its part of the AT, there is a bathroom and map at the place where you park. Its a nice drive up there, and really nice camping and hiking. Crazy price on a pack if you wanted to start getting stuff together...
I used to likje to camp when I was younger. But now I'm old and it hurts my back to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag
N.GA is a wonderful place to pack up a backpack, find a trail and just start walking. Dockery Creek isn't far and it has car/rv camping and a good sized lake. plus, there is a trail that joins up with the beginning part of the AT. i think my wife and i saw 2 other couples. the stream that runs down into the lake is really fresh and good to fitler water from. IMHO, Mountain Hardware is the Subaru of outdoor gear, function over fashion. Get yourself a great 3 season tent first and figure the rest out as you go.
Ditto ^^ Mountain hardware and patagonia stuff.. bomb proof Both my mountain hardware tents been through 50+ mph winds and nice heavy snow falls. Eureka also makes some decent stuff at an affordable price. A few pics of the tents in action
I prefer backpacking, but destination camping is a good start! One of the best weeks of my life was a 60 mile hike on the Appalachian trail.
I'm down to go camping. It never costs me much money since i don't really plan I just go, LOL. Last time i bought a sleeping bag and hot dogs. We carved sticks to cook them with. Theres some cool places up in delonega.
So all this talk about camping got me in the mood to get an early start on this year.. I went a bought a new back pack and tent today from REI I have a trip planned for next week.. nothing to extreme down on the flint river and then i might go up to bear creek with the mountain bike If anyones interested let me know
I wish man. I spent a whole Christmas break up on Mt. Yonah one year. That place used to be the bomb, but it got all bought up and the owners are frigin pricks now from what I hear. Waters Creek is still a great place to go camp or 4x4'ing. People will look at you like your crazy if you roll up some of those trails in an import! Ha ha...
were is this Waters Creek. my girl (wife) and i are always looking for legal places and don't know of any. nothing too hard, it's a ford escape, but she likes to get it dirty, the truck guys... nice snow camping picts! you tied it down well, good to see great gear being used. i was excited yesterday when it rained, i got to walk around outside in my MHW jacket. i am a huge nerd.
Mount Yonah has a lot of rock climbing correct? Have from ATL is it? I need to get out there and dust off the climbing gear... any climbers out there.
me too that why i have a tent that fits a queen size air matress! no more aching back. just got back from camping 2 weekends ago. 19 degrees was cold as hell the first night cause we where conserving wood. your not alowed to pick up fallen wood in fla state parks. the second night it was 24 degrees and i was in my wife beater it was soo hot by the camp fire cause we were tring to burn all the wood. :ddirty: