Seat belt warning driving me crazy

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ezio350, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. ezio350

    ezio350 Member

    Do I do the plug and unplug the seat belt before or after the seatbelt warning light flash stops?
    I have done it before, but I cant get the d*** thing to work again. :eek: :eek4:
  2. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Join the club, drives me bananas. Try it just as the audible warning starts.
  3. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    I did it before the warning started. It's easier to do if you're not sitting in the seat. Just unplug and plug it in as quick as possible at least 10 times.
  4. crash#2

    crash#2 Member

    or just wear the belt
  5. Except when you do it, know its actually going IN and Clicking/locking. I did it with my Legacy really fast and i ended up doing it a lot slower and hearing it click and unlock and then it worked.

    I wear my seatbelt all the time, but its annoying when you need to move your car 10 feet and its just pinging at you.
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Buy an 04 sti, I dont have to deal with your fancy safety features ;)
  7. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member


    I don't even think about wearing it or not...I just do, it is like second nature when I get in my car.
  8. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    it's not just about wearing your belt, the damned chime is horrible. like if you sit there and want to eat a burger with the car on, you don't want to be strapped in, stuff like that. it's maddening

    anyways, yeah here's the 07 writeup, which is probably the same:

    turn ign to on (but eng should be OFF)
    insert buckle (all the way, just hold the lock button down) 10-20 times within 30-sec of turning the ign to the ON position
    then turn the key to OFF

    next time you turn to ON the initial belt will chime a few times then light and sound will stop (with or without the belt buckled
  9. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    why wouldn't you just wear your seatbelt? does it make you look uncool or something? you will look real cool when you get in an accident and you fly through the windshield and you crack your skull on the road. yeah that will be real cool. then I have to sit in the fucking traffic that is created by all the damn rubberneckers that drive by inspecting your cool brain matter that is spattered all over the pavement. yea that will be awesome. thanks dude.
  10. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    For example... You drop someone off in front of a store to go in, and you sit in the car waiting... Or when you go to the bank, and have to take it off to fill out deposit slips... ect

    Its not that people don't want to wear it, its just that chime drives you crazy when its not needed.
    Someones tired. People who drive a model that doesn't have this feature, don't really have room to be ignorant. Its not about wearing it or not wearing it. I wear mine religiously, and yet, the chime drove me crazy.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2007
  11. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    Yea, the chime doesn't help me remember at all. it just pisses me off when im waiting in my car for something. I ALWAYS drive with my seatbelt on, it just doesn't feel right if it's off.
  12. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    you should wear your belt while driving but if you click it in and out five times it stops the chime but only until you start the car again.
  13. gbrookie71

    gbrookie71 New Member

    I did it yesterday turn switch untill the dash lights come on count to 3 then take your time and make sure you buckle and unbuckle the belt 20 times. when your done turn switch off and crank car should be done. If doesnt work do again speeding up the reps but be sure each time is a slight pause when in. So the computer takes it as a buckle.
  14. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    ^ what he said. Worked for me a while ago
  15. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Just realized that my car doesn't chime. Guess the guy before me fixed it for me:cool:
  16. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Remember to do this again if you ever do the ECU reset! I do it as soon as I start the car and I do it about 30 times as fast as possible just to be sure.

    As far as just wearing your seatbelt all the time, I do when I'm actually driving; but don't you ever just want to turn the car on and let it warm up? During that time I usually check tire pressure or just clean up crap lying around on the floor.
    Maybe a little off-topic, but does anyone have a link to the mod where you disconnect the seat belt chime altogether, so it NEVER chimes?
  17. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    To me (and I believe what ezio was talking about), this has nothing to do with NOT wearing your seat belt while driving, as I always wear my belt, no exceptions. The seat belt warning chimes in the newer Imprezas (and maybe Subarus in general) if you do not buckle the seat belt after starting the car, regardless if you are driving the car or not. For example, you start the car and leave it running in driveway, as monk said, you sit down and chow down a burger, etc. It is beyond obnoxious. Honestly, it should start chiming once the car reaches a certain speed, say 5mph.
  18. ezio350

    ezio350 Member

    Cool, I will do the 20 times to get the chime off. i always wear my seatbelt and you guys should too. Hmmm. I dont have a seatbelt on my ZX-10R, but I guess helmet will help. HAAAAAAA

    Thanks everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    So I'm juist curious, does anyone know the reasoning behind why the 20 times method works? I have an 03 so it doens't apply to me at all, my curiousity is just coming out :)
  20. jonnyboy0150

    jonnyboy0150 Member

    I guess they just programmed that as an override procedure. I did this a while ago and it's still working just fine!
  21. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    +1 For Just Wearing The Seatbelt, And Turning The Radio Up Helps To Take Away Alot Of Noises
  22. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    No really, it is annoying. I wear my seatbelt all the time but really. if your parking break is on... no seatbelt chime!!!! if your getting gas, flashing stage 1 on your AP... you don't need you seatbelt chiming!!!!
  23. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    ^ honestly you would think that subaru would have the chime off while the parking brake is on... sheesh.
  24. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I will repeat myself, or trade me your 05 sti ;)
  25. sti-mike

    sti-mike Member

    So the 05 sti has that crap because mine dosen't do it....
  26. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    No soup for you.
  27. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Is that why you spend so much time and money trying to make yours an 05'? ;)
  28. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  29. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I am taking your best qualities not your stupid ones ;)

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