Who wants to help m install cowl stays on my wagon?

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Bolderer, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. Bolderer

    Bolderer Member

    I have had a set of creative werks cowl stays/fender braces in the back of my car since before I got in my wreck. I was quoted $225 to install them but seeing as I only payed $90 for the braces, that aint gonna happen. They are apparently harder to install on the wagon than on the sedan because you have to at least partially remove the fenders to get them in. The guys at Mahdavi are the one's who quoted me the price and they said the only way they would want to do it is by removing both front fenders and the bumper. This may in fact be necessary. There definitely isn't much room in there.

    I will of course supply the beer/food for the day but I really would like someone who is fairly skilled in body work. I just don't want to bend my fenders or hurt them in any way. We could do it at my house whenever someone is available.

    Thanks guys. Greg
  2. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    flex head ratchet wrench is your friend
    you do need to remove the top two bolts onthe fender in the engine bay for fear that if you squeeze it in you may get an unwanted fender flare :)
  3. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    I have a sedan and pulled the bumper, headlights and both fenders off.
    I ended up breaking the stupid tab on the driver side. Otherwise they went on with no problem.

    You HAVE to make sure that you watch what you're doing and it'll be no problem.
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Its an experience to remove the front bumper, as Im sure its even a greater one to pull the fenders. There's something so dirty about seeing the car all naked. If we could put together a date, I can see if I can make. I have little freetime this semester unfortunately.
  5. Bolderer

    Bolderer Member

    I know how it is Alex. My workload is pretty crazy this semester as well. How about some time the first weekend of spring break. I'm going to be going to North Carolina For the break but that Fri. the 2nd or Sat. the 3rd would be cool. I wouldn't mind getting them in before I take my car to the mountains for the week. I will have just gotten the protune as well. hehehe I can't wait. The car has actually been running a little sluggish since going to the bigger turbo :confused: Hopefully SS can fix it for me on Friday.
  6. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    i'll lend a hand if u need it...............just holla @ me
  7. Bolderer

    Bolderer Member

    I'll take you up on that. Thanks.

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