How to get the girlfriend more interested in cars!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Nemesis Digital, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. LOL

    Well we've been together for almost 3 years now, she enjoys coming along every once in a while to a car event, but she bores pretty easily. Shes gone to Formula D with me in Chicago to watch while I shot photos. Stuff like that, but I can tell shes not as "hooked" on motorsports as I am. For me, Id be happily content doing anything that involved cars all day and I could blow an entire day just doing that! Any ideas on how I can get her as obsessed as I am?

    One of the complaints she gives to me, is that she doesnt have a car that she can modify. Shes started to take a slight liking to Subarus, but she originally hated how they looked. :eek4:
  2. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    You just answered your own dilemma. Buy her a subaru that she can modify. TA-DA!!
  3. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    My problem is worse, my gf wants to know why I spend so much money on my car. She gets sick on the mountain roads. She has no interests in cars at all.
  4. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Russell time for a new gf j/k
  5. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member way dude! she's my sugah mamma! ok not exactly, but she IS getting her work to pay for my plane ticket to Japan in April. And she puts up with me while I'm playing computer games. hahaha...

  6. I told her she could have my Wagon when I get my STI, but she doesnt like wagons LOL
  7. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Eh it's just your version of golf. I think just about every couple has things that one of them enjoys that the other doesn't. You just have to make sure that your thing isn't your life. And if it is, well then you might be in a relationship that won't work.

    As for you Nemesis, she just needs a sporty car that she can get interested in modding.
  8. She wants this car, which I have in storage at my parents house.


    But I dont think I could handle it if she wrecks it :rofl:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
  9. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Wow, that one looks good!
  10. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    chickenshit.............just give it to her......problem solved:sx:
  11. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Too funny Russell. But really.... she gets sick on mountain roads...dude

    And nemisis...some girls just don't dig cars. Some do...but most that I have known don't. You'll definitely have to put her behind a wheel of something quick to keep her attention. It's like's only fun if you're playing, not watching (imho).
  12. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Mine was the same way... but she didn't have a choice. I was going to school for Motorsports Technology, and I was working for a race team. I was either on track or at a track just about 24/7. Once she learned that in order for it to work out, since thats just who I am, she had to start being interested and supportive. Now, she can't wait for Petite and Formula D to come around. When I worked at the racing school, she was always there for track days so I could give her rides in the Panoz cars...
    She'll learn, once she realizes that thats just who you are...

  13. LOL its possible. :eek:hnoes: I dont know yet. I mean I want someone to drive it. I hate seeing it just rot in a garage.
  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    buy her a $500 crx and tell her to have fun!
  15. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    the way to get her hooked on the scene is to get her hooked on the speed.

    she's gotta feel what's it's like being in control of it to want more ;)
  16. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    yeah this pretty much sums it up....:ddirty:
  17. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    We still haven't had a G2G that really encourages "significant others" participation. We tried to do a picnic last year, but it never panned out. That could also be a good way to get her more interested...
  18. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    We had a picnic mountain run...Once the weather warms up, I'd like to orchestrate our member party out in one of the parks and encourage family participation... Imagine Milo & Amol in a 3 legged race :rofl:
  19. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie Supporting Member

    i can't even convince my g/f to let me teach her how to drive a manual let alone her be interested in things like speed and going around a corner at 60 mph. she gets motion sickness when i drive agressively so i don't know what to do. shell learn eventualy. maybe when i can afford it she'll get a limited like mrs slowwrx
  20. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Why didn't you ask me silly! Let her race, DUH! That's what happened to me :)
  21. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    Here's a girl's perspective:

    I have grown up around fast cars my whole life and I have enjoyed speed for the majority of it, but I still get bored if it's not the right event. If you want her to be involved she has to FEEL involved. I tried the circle track, I tried drag racing, but it wasn't until I found autoxing that I finally found my niche. I can attend any autox event all day long and not be bored but I still have problems going to other events. Even though those other events are part of what you do, she might tolerate them a bit more if she has her own thing that she's into. The fact that she's showing interest in cars now is a great sign. Help her get into that, but remember that no matter how much of an influence you are in her new found hobby, it's still HER hobby. Let her make the decisions about what goes on the car. If you disagree, then show her how to post and get advice and worse case scenario let her put that part on and see for herself that it's not the best. But the only way that can happen is for her to learn with your help. Unless of course she wants to do something like put a boost controller on without tunning which will of course blow her motor. (A noob mistake I once made:wtc: ) The last and most important part, and the first step, is to introduce her to some females that are into it and go to an event that she might like where there will be females participating. Nothing gets me more than standing on the sidelines watching some other chick be good at something while all I do is stand there. If she's feisty like me it will get under skin, too.

    On the G2G, I would like to host one this weekend if we get settled in time. WJM and I just moved into a new place in Duluth and DANG we have a lot of stuff. I will keep all posted on the status of that.

    Hope this helps and if you want more advice feel free to ask.
  22. L0L @ this thread
  23. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Tracey and Ashley are right on the money! I liked cars more when I started to beat brian at autoxing..... There is no better feeling (for a women) then beating your boyfriend/hubby at something that is distinctly masculine like motorsports (or WOW if you are the nerdy sort :)).
  24. Kyle

    Kyle Member

    Um she can have my gti for a good price. Its easy to modify, 225hp with around 1K more in mods.
  25. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    My wife has come out to a few of the GTGs. She use to go on the mountain drives when thse started up a while back. She has also been out to AutoX a few times. I think you need to just bring her out and let her meet some of the people. Dont force her to stay the "entire time" you know. Gradually wet her feet.

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