Holy Moly People

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Nemesis Digital, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Cant give a man till the weekend to resolve something? Its not like I dont have a job during the week.

    Airmax, I can paypal money right away. You live on the Southside, and I planned on calling you today about the 100. You left a message on my phone yesterday!


    "I actually tried calling you earlier this morning. I did not manage to get the exhaust off yet, also Im not sure when I can get it off. It really was out of my hands this weekend. If you want, I can refund you in full via paypal or cash this week, or you can hold on until its taken off. I dont mind either way. Once again though, I really apologize for the inconvienience."

    SO YES I said that I could paypal you ASAP or get you cash LATER THIS WEEK.

    Kris, I can paypal you also! Or we can meet up. Doesnt matter! I had spoken with YOU that we would resolve this sometime this week!!!!!!

    BelvnAWD- Your cd's were dropped in the mail two days ago.

    Way to jump the gun folks. I really didnt appreciate the attitude either over the PM's either BELVNAWD. Especially when I didnt originally guarantee finding the back up CD's. You recieve an amazing laptop at a cheap price and this is thanks I get..

    You all lock my threads and practically act like im out to rip everyone on this forum off.

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  2. Kris and AirMax, give me your paypal address and we'll take of this right now.

    Belvn... I dont know what to tell you, I sent the CD two days ago. But like I said in my original conversations with you. THE CD WASNT GAURANTEED.
  3. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Not sure what happened, but I was gonna call you when I got a chance to meet. Not really a rush or anything, sorry for the confusion.

    No problems here.....
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin


    I understand your frustration. But please understand their side of the story too. A seller who allegedly doesn't respond to PMs or return phone calls is a matter of concern to us. If multiple people share a common complaint about a particular member, that's cause for more concern. I know WeaponWRX and BelvnAWD since the inception of WRXatlanta. I trust them with their decisions as Moderators. They have never misused their powers.

    To avoid receiving more complaints, we thought it would be best to lock the existing threads till the matter was resolved. We didn't share specific details with anyone out of respect for your privacy. Hence all the details were communicated via PMs to you. I don't think they were wrong in doing that. We never intended to embarrass you. We wanted this matter to be resolved privately, and hopefully amicably.

    I guess now everyone knows what happened and why it happened. Please take care of the remaining obligations and everything will be restored back to normal.

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  5. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Problem (it really wasn't I guess) is resolved here........


    Thanks George

  6. Milo,

    They dont know why everything happened. Belvn recieved my laptop that I sold to him, and which I might add was PRACTICALLY brand new. The only thing I didnt have with me was the restore CD's. Since I had moved to my new apartment, things were scattered everywhere. My parents house which is about an hour away was the prime place that they could be. Upon meeting him I told him that I will try and locate the Cd's but there was no gaurantee that I will find them. I told BrianGT this also when I sold him my other laptop. Weeks and weeks went by, since I havent made a trip out to my parents on the weekends and I told Belvn that I would try and find them. A week ago I tried and I THINK I had located them. I sent him a PM to meet with me on that Friday. Something came up that was WAY more important, and I missed our meet time. I wasnt even in town. My mistake and Ill admit to that. I told him to shoot me his mailing address and Id mail it out to him. Any reasonable person could realize that Im trying to do what I CAN. I may not drop everything right that second and handle your problem, especially when I specifically said in our orginal exhange that I may not gaurantee that he would get the CD's in a timely manner. Other than that, thats all I have to say, in addition to his attitude, and blatent ignoring of me on the road to the Dyno Day. Yeah that was me that waved to say hi, and you look the other way.

    Kris and I talked a few times, and I told em that I would shoot him a paypal ASAP if we couldnt arrange a time to meet this week. Plus, I cover all paypal fees that they take out.

    Personally, its real embarrassing to me when people over react to a situation that shouldnt have this type of reaction to. Im not a newbie, Ive met a good bit of people on this board, and I have a good standing on a much larger board as well. Any PM that is sent to me, I usually dont check until the next day since all PM notifications are sent to my work, since I spend a bulk of my time during the week there.

    Im not saying at all that Kris was abusing his powers or anything, he's a really polite guy. Not sure if I can say that for everyone, but my intention was never to rip anyone off and its obvious.

    Everything can be restored back to normal, thats fine, doesnt really matter to me.

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    About the unreturned PMs or phone calls, I'll let the complainer discuss that with you. I'm just a third party who is operating according to our policy.

    Like I said, I can understand your frustration. But I also realize that multiple people might think that you were quick at taking their money but slack in fulfilling your end of the obligations. As an Administrator here, its my job to resolve such a situation before it gets worse. Hence the locks and PMs.

    We never wanted to air this to everyone. All it does is make people look bad when our intention was simply to clear a misunderstanding.

    I can make this thread disappear if you would prefer to resolve the matter over PMs.

  8. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    George, I apologize if this seems unfair or unreasonable. It is in WRXatlanta's best interest to protect all buyers/sellers that conduct business on our site. As Milo said, these are the steps that we take when we have a complaint about a seller or buyer. It is nothing personal so please dont take it that way! These steps have been taken in the past and will continue to be taken in the future to insure things are resolved in a timely manner.



  9. Well if you want to get into specifics, check my for sale thread about the laptop I sold belvn. It never said it would come with restore CD's. I volunteered to maybe try and find them.


    Like I said, Id rather have this in open air rather than taking it to PM's, because this is why people start talking. I have no reason to hide in PM's with people.

  10. Kris, we're good man, I dont think of you at all in a bad light. You are a real nice and polite guy, and I still appreciate you putting on the wheels for me in the cold lol. Just remember to shoot me your paypal address and I can shoot you the money now, since I look slammed until Sunday. Ill cover the fees.
  11. Im checking out of here
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  12. Greg

    Greg Active Member

  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    You are right. I don't know the entire story. Hence, I'm not making accusations. You said people should clearly see your point of view. I was simply asking you to acknowledge another point of view that may be seen by the other side. Frankly, I see both sides. Hence the attempt to resolve this peacefully.

    By taking this out of PMs and in directly into public view, a situation that could have been resolved peacefully has turned into unnecessary drama for everyone else to watch. The intention of taking it to PMs was not to keep things a secret, but in fact to keep it from turning it into a bigger deal than it actually is.

    I don't like drama. But I'm glad that this thread has been civil, without resorting to name calling and other offensive behavior.

  14. Locking 7 threads, and people start to think. I would have kept in PM's, however I feel that to at least clear my name this needs to be public. Personally I wouldnt deal with anyone that had 7 locked Sale threads. And I find it funny how the good transaction feedback ratingwas now deleted. Thats pretty screwed up even though our transaction still went flawlessly according to our discussions. I have no reason to call anyone names. I met with Airmax and Kris in the past week or so and they are great guys, and Ive never had anything to be upset about with them. As far as Belvn, if his laptop died, wasnt what I had advertised on here, had some defect that I failed to inform him about, he has every right to be upset about the transaction. But that wasnt the case, he got an almost new laptop for a great price. I met with him almost the same day as I think I recall, and we had our transaction. Where at that time I had told him I can TRY and find the disks. Mind you this was volunteered, never in my post did I say it would come with them. I believe he works in the IT company. It wouldnt be hard to obtain an OS im sure for him. AS I said before, I dropped the discs in the mail two days ago. I dont know why it wasnt recieved yet, but either way I was doing a favor, and that is all.
  15. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I had no problems at all with George, and I would gladly vouch for him.

    The laptop that I bought from works great!

  16. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    i've done a couple transactions with George & known him for quite awhile!!!! (pretty stand up dude)

    yeah he has a problem with pm's......lol but not everyone is able to check those daily.

    my : 0.02
  17. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Honestly, and I know I'm not in this, but this is all bullshit. George is willing to send payments to Kris and Airmax, that problem is solved. George also says that he placed the CDs in the mail for Belvn two days ago, if they haven't been received, its only been two days... The other problem is that Georgia feels like he was personally attacked by locking the threads and deleting feedback, if I was in an administrative position, I probably would have done the same. Not to attack George personally, but to get this resolved in a timely and mature manner. After that was achieved, I would restore everything and call a peace... Now, I'm not speaking directly to anyone, I'm just stating the view of an 'outsider' here. This whole thing is just FUBAR... Its a big misunderstanding

  18. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    all i know is my car never happens to get pictures taken of it when he is around, i smell trickery :p :rofl:
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member


    When our PM boxes fill up with complaints and we start to receive phone calls we tend to investigate issues. This is not the first of this case of this nature, nor do I imagine it will be the last. I made an effort to decrease the chance of this sort of thing re-occurring by introducing the feedback system. You can see the importance of leaving quality feedback (good OR bad) for every transaction.

    Certainly as a member of this and other forums, you understand the importance of response-time, etc. We all work, we're all busy. The easiest thing to do in the future is simply to put a post in your FS thread(s) saying so...if you let everyone know that you're going to be busy that week and unable to return anything they will appreciate it.

    There is nothing to discuss about this. If you are unhappy with this decision or any decision I suggest you deal with the matter privately, rather than making another public post about it. This is what we ask of ALL users when it comes down to sensitive matters of this nature. This is not an attack on your character. I cannot stress this enough.

    We cannot help everyone nor are we able to please everyone. However, we make a daily effort to improve the experience of the members of this community as well as to ensure that every decision made is in the best interest of the community.

    Ive met you a handful of times, you're personable & knowledgeable. I would never expect you to take advantage of anyone on this forum or anywhere else. Regardless, we are simply trying to expedite the resolution of this issue and get everyone back on stable ground.

  20. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie Supporting Member

    ^^how do we give someone feedback?
  21. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Since this has become a public matter anyway, I'll post updates here.

    George: Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter and taking care of your obligations with WeaponWRX and AirMax. Your threads have been unlocked and previliges restored.

    To all members: In the future, if we receive multiple consistent complaints about any member, we will handle the situation as we deem fit, and it will probably take a similar path as this one took. Please don't take it as a personal insult and blast it all over this board. We try to resolve situations privately and amicably, and reactions like these only make it a bigger mess than it needs to be.
  22. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Well said
  23. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie Supporting Member

    i think that everybody i have met at meets and dealt with in selling my stuff and soley on this forum has shown that they are very respectable and have more integrity than most people. i do not know what happened with the people involved in this story but it must have gotten bad if george felt the need to go public. i do not however think that the people he was dealing with would have gone public like he did. hopefully this will not happen with other people. i know i am jsut a lowly junior member but i'd like to think that we can all have our opinions equally accepted on this forum and to this point i think that has not been hard to accomplish. that's all and could someone let me know how to give feedback on other members?
  24. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    1) click on the 'feedback' score for the person you would like to leave feedback for.

    2) in the 'member profile' column, you will find a link that says 'Submit Feedback for *member's name*'... click it

    3) leave feedback

    4) stop threadjackin, you noob :p... jk man... too tempting :D
  25. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I am editing this post after having a chance to get some rest after a long week.

    First of all, I wasn't the one who locked your threads.

    Second , I indicated to Kris and Milo that I didn't know if the CDs were at my house or not since I was out of town.

    Third, You are not without responsibility here for this George. You obviously were unresponsive enough to enough people that this became an issue. How about taking a little bit of personal responsibility and accepting some of the blame?

    I don't know all the facts to this, I do know that I have been very patient from my end. I can give a pretty detailed account including PMs and the original post if it needs to get to that. I don't have a problem with you George, but you seem to be singling me out for some unknown reason.

    As for the issues with the CD, lets just say that your version of events definitely does not match my memories or understanding of what you indicated you would deliver after I bought the laptop.

    Anyways, just wanted to give my side. What you choose to do as far as staying on the site or not is up to you. I hope you stay, but won't beg you and certainly do not owe you an apology for anything...

    If you have anything else you would like to say to me, I suggest we do it via PM as this thread has gotten long enough. I am also a little offended that you dragged my name through the proverbial mud on the site trying to defend yourself, but not enough to worry about it beyond posting this....
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2007
  26. Greg

    Greg Active Member

  27. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    can't we all just get along :) and end this nonsense


  28. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    ~starts singing...............kum ba ya my lawd!!! ~:sx:

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