Here are some pics of my wagon, from one of are meets! Go to for some vids of the wagon!
Coilovers I'm assuming? I love the drop, if my wagon turns out half that low I'll be happy. How bad are you rubbing in the back, or are you running stiff enough springs to where the car doesnt move an inch? Your car reminds me of this wagon I saw on Nasioc a bunch a while back. This isnt you is it?
yeah, get rid of that NOPI sticker! i think that is from the NOPI nationals if i'm not mistaken, that means that you were getting judged....
question: how did you turn your fog lights on but not your headlights? i was trying to do that but no one seems to know how. please help me out.
Thanks for the complments! In those pics I running the JIC FLT A-2 coilovers, with 17x8 with 235/40/17(no rubbing), and borsal twin tip exhaust with no cats! No that was not me on NASIOC and yes that is a NOPI sticker sorry it was from this past year (not on car as of now), when kysc met up with you guys down in the ATL! My new set-up is Megan Racing Track series coilovers 12k front 10k rear, with 245/40/17 MX's, and RSR exhaust!
Me its realy not that hard! And if you want to disconect the DRLS take out the glove box and unplug the green or brown conector!
Proper wagon. I love the drop. Whenever my struts are finally dead I will have to drop the loot on the coilovers. No spring/strut combo can make it just right like corner balanced coilovers.