It was a (I believe bugeye) wrx that passed me on 53 today with mudflaps, NASIOC sticker, and I think a bike rack. Exhanged weak honks
yup that was me. the rack is for kayaks. I also just put on a skidplate that has already taken a few hits. I live about 30 seconds up the road from where I honked at you.
Yeah me too. I live in Lake Lanier Club just before the bridge. I'm suprised i haven't seen you before
good to know I have an STi neighbor. I live in the Bluffs at Lanier right by the church and lanier point park. If you ever need a hand with an install let me know. I've got some tools and a crapload of garage space. I usually attend the atl area autocrosses.
hmm.. everytime i pass this carwash place near home depot i see a silver sti on the parking lot who's is that?
I don't think hes on here. Hes been given a handout card tho... Hes only had the car a couple of months
hmmm, I don't remember. If it was a white bugeye sedan than it was. AFAIK no other white bugeye sedans in gainesville (that i've seen). I don't remember where west hall high is.
I've seen that guy with the wagon a few times. I tried to talk to him once but I think he didn't want to put his window down because it was cold.