What to say to a solicitor for a speeding ticket

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by keevo54, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. keevo54

    keevo54 New Member

    I got a ticket in Athens for 18 over in a 30 mph zone. I am 19 and it is my first ticket. I have called the court house and solicitors office but they did not really tell me anything. The solicitors secretary told me she really doesn't know about lowering the ticket but she knows they won't lower the fine.

    I screwed up and deserved the fine but would like the ticket lowered to 14 over so insurance won't find out. My court date is Monday and I am going to show up 30 minutes early so I can talk to the solicitor. Does anyone have advice on what to say or the chances of the ticket being lowered?

    I know I have already asked some of you about what is reported to insurance(and appreciate everone's insight) but am getting nervous about the chances of the ticket being lowered.

    Thanks for the help
  2. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I was your age when I got my first ticket. (I'm 20 now.) I did a 28 over in a 45. I went ahead in did Defensive Driving before the court date, and it helped a little. I ended up getting a 200 dollar fine with the speed reduced to 23 over. Hope that helps you feel a little less nervous.

    (edit) I pleaded guilty
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2007
  3. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie Supporting Member

    the solicitor can't do anything for you. since this is your first ticket the judge will probably give you a chance to plead no lo but if you do then you can't screw up again for a certain amount of time (he'll explain it to you) also he might lower it without a no lo plea if you're nice and present a good case. another option is to get a lawyer. they do this all the time and know how to present really good cases and that would be your best chance of getting the ticket lowered i think. 18 over shouldn't put too many points on your license though. it's all relative how you look at it though it depends on if you plan on slowing down and not getting caught again and me more careful. you'll get quite a bit of advice on what to do real quick on here i'm sure. i'm not an expert though so don't quote me on anything. (that's my disclaimer ;-) )
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    a lawyer is your best shot
  5. keevo54

    keevo54 New Member

    I am going to give the lawyer you recommend another call tomorrow. I called him a while back but I guess the secretary missplaced the note. He e-mailed me that he would give me a couple guys names who work in Athens; I guess I will see what he says.
  6. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    This dude I know did this 5 times last year and it worked every time...go to big 10 tire or any tire calculator for that matter and play with the #'s till the speedo is off by the amount you were over (then screen shot that puppy and bring to court). At the very least, show that it is off by 7 miles per hour so that they will reduce your ticket down to 14 over. Also try to get a receipt of some kind showing that you purchased stock wheels to get things right with your speedo, not too hard to get something they will at least consider. Then when you go to court (no need to get there early cause they will work it their way) and are called up to plea you say I would like to negotiate a lesser sentance with the solicitor. Proll will have to go through round 2 and say that you tried to take your car to a speedometer service that the police officer recommended but they cannot do AWD cars. I used a tire calculator to figure the approx difference is speedo. Then let them know that in order to remedy the situation you purchased the stock rims to fix the problem and that cost you dearly. Lastly ask that it be reduced to not go on your record as you have NEVER had a ticket and wish to maintain your clean driving record. j
    Do not forget to let them know that the fine is beans compared to the cost of getting your speedo to reflect the correct speed. It is not the fine but that you wish to maintain a clean driving history.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2007
  7. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Oh dang... Mikes on his soap box again... I think this is Milo Friendly...?

    For all the HONEST cops that read this, I'm sorry. I've never met you because obviously you don't write tickets for things you do yourself and I obviously drive the same as or more legal than you. I'm stereotyping you based on what your coworkers do.

    I've gained a reputation for being hard on cops, so take what I say with a grain of salt. If the cop/prosecutor has Napoleon Complex, you're just about SOL... Don't know how Athens is, but in Cobb if you go to court they'll usually lower simple under 24 over ticket to 14 if you pay the fine. They just want your money as fast as they can get it. Just TRY to be very polite and "sir/ma'am" everyone.

    When I go to court, I refuse to kiss their asses and I never get off. I don't care. I'm not going to thank them for taking my money for B.S. things rather than doing what the community is really paying them to do. 18 over?! Please... who cares?! Go find the ass that hit-and-run my Subi or the guys breaking into apartments. $160 to give complete disrespect to a prosecutor, judge, and possibly a cop or two on their turf is money well spent. If they're going to get me where it counts, I'm going to exchange some words and make them work for it. I drag things out and be a thorn in their side as long as I can. Show me ONE cop that NEVER breaks a single traffic law and I'll let him write me tickets without an ear full. You're thinking 'they don't speed as fast as you...' Well, the law is the law. Then 1 mph over is the same as 18, right?!
  8. keevo54

    keevo54 New Member

    Alright my plan is to go in and be apologetic and very respectful.

    One last question though- If I go and they offer to reduce the ticket if I take defensive driving, how does it work? Will I accept the offer, pay the fine, go to class, then drop by in a week or two and show them the certificate. Or do they give me another date on which I will need to show up with the certificate? Not a huge deal but I would like to know before I go to court.

    Thanks for everyones help/advice
  9. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    why were you driving 50 mph in a residential zone?
  10. keevo54

    keevo54 New Member

    1Am. There are no houses on the stretch I was on. I thought the limit was 35(still 48 would have been speeding but 13 would have been better than 18).

    I basically was being stupid

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