right click>save as Thought it was pretty cool. Must have taken some time to animate/draw. Also I've heard that they are developing a new 6 speed(not positive if its mt or at), for it. If it's manual I'm guessing its just a 6mt without DCCD. Although I think they are also working on a 6spd auto, so who knows.
The 6MT w/out DCCD was before the version with DCCD. The Version 7 STi had no DCCD. The 07 Spec B that we get is the Non-DCCD 6MT.
And that, my friends, is how a turbo engine works... What makes that video diesel exactly? I didn't see spark plugs, but if the video wasn't labeled as diesel, anyone would mistake the glow plugs for spark plugs and think its gasoline. Cool video anyway.
the pistons primarily. No gas engine has those deep holes in the middle of the piston. upon thinking about the transmission. Likely what they are doing is revamping the gear ratios, otherwise you'd be shifting all the time. Need longer gears for that diesel.
very cool, rather emotional for a cutaway animation, but i'm sure this was for some whiz-bang presentation.