Gainesville Teen killed in car crash

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Demo24, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Guy was from my school so it will be an interesting day tomorrow as everyone tries to adjust. This is the first teen to be killed in a car accident from Gainesville in the last 5 or so years. Comes as a shock really. Was a popular guy and a golf player. Quite sobering when you think about it, one day he was there and them boom he's gone.

    I didn't know the guy, but I had seen him around. He was only a junior in highschool.
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    why not wear a seatbelt?!?! it would have given him a better chance at survival
  3. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Its sad that it takes something like that to change the way people drive...
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

  5. I feel naked if I drive without a seatbelt. Hopefully my kids feel the same...

    Actually, if I ever take too long to buckle in my 5 year old, she reminds me quite sternly.
  6. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    same here!

    my prayers go out to his family :(
  7. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I won't let someone ride with me w/out your belt... let alone drive myself w/out. I thought most people were wearing them these days, especially with the whole "click it or ticket" fundraiser the cops are allways having. Don't tell me kids are still not wearing them because its not "cool".....
  8. Funny story:

    A guy in my department came down from the Philly office and we went to lunch with him. He drove his rental car and i noticed he didn't wear his seatbelt. I asked him about it and he said "I refuse to wear my seatbelt because I dont think the law should force me to do something that only affects me. If I get into a wreck, the only person who will be hurt by my lack of seatbelt would be me."

    Wow - Way to show them, stick it to em! :ugh:
  9. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I always wear one and the majority of my friends do, but of the few that don't, I don't think it's an issue of "coolness." I think it's more just what they're used to. One of my friends grew up in a family where no one ever wore one. I never knew why exactly, they just didn't. I actually think my friend may where one now, but I know when he first started driving he didn't.
  10. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Haha yeah that's pretty ridiculous. I do, however, agree with the mentality that the seatbelt law should not be enforced (same as the helmet). From an evolutionary standpoint, it's survival of the fittest :). It weeds out the gene pool which wouldn't neccesarily be a bad thing. If the government really wants to make sure everyone is safe though I believe they should do it through the insurance companies. If you are in a wreck while not wearing your seatbelt, you're not covered by your insurance company.
  11. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    yea that's a smart guy :ugh:
  12. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    growing up in india, most cars didn't have seat belts until after i moved to the US... i use my seat belts all the time now
  13. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Well school was interesting. Most everyone is talking about it, and several are upset. Although the most upset stayed home. Several teachers are taking it hard as well. Supposedly it was a really nice guy, and not usually the type to drive really fast. Lots of things have been cancelled because of his death.

    Also one of my friends saw the car. I've heard it was going well over 110 mph. Then it went off down an embankment(he went off at one of the worse places on the road), struck a tree pretty much head on which caused the car to twist up and the roof slammed into the tree before it fell back to the ground. He was already pulseless by the time the EMT's could get there, but they tried for 30 more min's before they declared him dead.

    My friend said he got there about 2 minutes after it happened(still smoking) and just looked at it and thought "who ever is in there is gone", as he didn't know who it was. He saw some people who had gone to look inside and they had just lost it. By that time the emt's were arriving so he left to get out of the way.

    Ironically it was one of the few times he drives the 350z. Most of the time he drives a truck.

    I think he had gotten into an argument with an ex and thus the idiotic driving. I did hear some minor rumors about alcohol involved, but who knows.

    heres a better news article:

    They put condolences in his parking spot today. Most people seem to be rather depressed by it.
  14. i know this is an old post, but i went to lakeview and know some of the king family (Colin). This is definitely a tragedy, but it was definitely his fault, and his reckless driving caused it, but anytime someone young dies it is a horrible tragedy. I see at least 5 in memory of evan king stickers every time i go to lakeview, and even saw one at my college the other day.
  15. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    This didn't happen on the Mount Vernon highway in Sandy Springs did it?

    Sorry to hear about this, no one that young deserves to die. But it is sheer stupidity to not wear a seatbelt even at the most tepid of times, let alone when you're driving 110mph at night. I don't get it... it's like a harness so you don't fly around in your seat around corners. Why wouldn't you wear one??

    bahhh thanks for bumping old posts!!
  16. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    wow that is horrible.....3 people died on my road due to the driver (survived) drinking and driving. the 3 passengers died..none wearing seat belts..but now anytime I go somewhere...I pass skid marks, investigation paint/marks, big ole mark on a telephone pole and flowers and depressing..its amazing how some so simple can save your life and many choose not to wear it... as stories like this are a reminder of how fragile life is. be safe out there folks!

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