saw a suby sti blue in stonebridge promenade. as i was going home on saturday about 6ish. was in front of quiznos that jayj713's uncle owns.
lol, I'll do that when I see him. I'm sure if Joey parked down there, he'd probably park next to him since Joey gets there at the butt crack of dawn.
yeah we have to park close enough to a point where he cant get in the car. lol i dont see him today though...
I might do tint at some point, but will likely leave the tails alone since I want them as bright as possible. I'm as of today working off Johns Creek Court, probably will see me either there or at LA Fitness once I sign up... though half the time I'll be in the Roadmonster to save miles on my cars.
yea, its the quiznos down 141. You know where the panda express, taco bell, QT and arbys is? Well just go down a little bit farther and it'll be on your right side. Its a relatively new shopping center.