Tint day this weekend?

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by Alex, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Ive been talking with a potential tint vendor for WRXAtlanta about this. I will be having my car done on Saturday the 24th of March, and he was curious if anyone else would like to join the fun. If you're interested, please let me know. I included the details he sent me about this below. You can also visit them online at their new website! http://www.solarcomforttinting.com

    Gettin' their tint on
    1. Alex
    2. 420
    3. rexrocker
    4. ped (chilling)
    5. scooby_snacks ?
    6. ak_raptor
    7. miloman ?
    8. MrCoffeeATL ?
    9. strayen ?
    10. ejrex ?

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  2. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member


    If anyone has any questions about the films, warranty program, prices, or whatever, post up and I'll answer your questions as quickly as possible.

    While Alex is getting his car done on Saturday, we can extend this on to Sunday as well if a few of you can't get out on Saturday. Just let me know what day and I'll keep everyone scheduled in.

    This is obviously sort of last minute, but hopefully the club prices will entice some of you to get it done! :)
  3. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Man if I had the disposable cash I so would. That ceramic tint sounds awesome.
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i will probably be busy this weekend but i need a 5% strip across the top of the windshield
  5. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    It's definitely a very cool film. I have it on my Evo. It blocks out around 50% heat and the optical clarity is nice. I mean, you don't get in your car and feel like you've been blind your entire life and now you can see, but there is an apparent difference in your vision due to the reduced glare and clarity.
  6. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Yeah it's like the anti-glare stuff on my glasses. Hella worth the money.
  7. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Windshield strips are only $20.
  8. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    what ceramic are you using? Hüper?

    and the other films?
  9. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    All in the description above. :) All films are LLumar window film.

    Huper is a great ceramic film, but it's THICK. It was originally designed for residential / commercial use and then ported to the auto market. On the other hand, LLumar's ceramic film was designed for automotive use to begin with.
  10. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    lol yea it is. i had it on my W/S and 3M carbon on the sides and back.

    these are great prices man, especially for the ceramic. i will definitely get this done with you. just not sure i can do it this weekend.
  11. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Yeah, I'm the cheapest in town on the ceramic film. Even without the club discount! :) Typically it's about $450 for an entire vehicle.
  12. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    so are these price estimates assuming full coverage for rear, both sides and the front? or rear, sides and front-AS1 (or 6")?
  13. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    nevermind forgot i probly wont have my car back by saturday.
  14. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Well, you can't do the entire front windshield, unfortunately. It's illegal and fines have jumped up to $1,000 for illegally tinted windows. Plus, all GA police are now carrying "Pocket detectives" and, trust me, they're more than eager to use them due to the new laws.

    However, the prices above are for the full vehicle (minus the windshield). Add $20 for a windshield strip.
  15. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    If you can make it out Sunday, we can do Sunday as well.
  16. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    cool, thanks for the clarification ;)
  17. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Glad to see this is moving along nicely :)
  18. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    I'm interested but i'm not sure when i'll get done at SOG with my corner alignment (yea it didn't happen today due to an appoinment mismanagement by SOG). So I'll see if I'm not too out of it I'll come by and get it done.

    EDIT: Just looked at your website, no business address.....where are you getting this done Alex?
  19. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    I mainly do mobile work or pick-up and delivery. I live in Canton, GA which is north of Kennesaw by about 20 minutes. However, I think Alex has a place in mind that is a little more neutral for everyone.
  20. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I need a price check here.

    Ok, I want to do something a little different and need to know how much it will cost.

    I want to tint all my windows the legal limit, including the strip across the windshield. Then I want to do like a 1-2 inch border around each window that is completely black. So, the outside border of each window would be blacked out, and the rest of the windows would be legal limit. I think it is basically like tinting it twice, so will probably cost me double, but that is what I am trying to fugure out now.

    Not sure which tint I would use, price will determine that.
  21. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    hmmm, since the antenna is on the rear window, how much would it cost me to get the tint ripped of the rear window and replaced with the ceramic? The only station without static is the damn BEEOT
  22. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    I have my windshield in 50%, but I used dyed film so it wouldn't mess with my radar detector. They didn't have ceramic 50%. Looks like ass... How much to pull it off and apply a new sheet of ceramic 50%??? PMing me is fine.
  23. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Hmm... a black border on all windows? How thick of a border?
  24. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    For the rear window only? To remove it it's $75. It can be a pain to remove film from a rear window without messing up the rear defrosters or antenna. To reapply ceramic film to the rear window only, $100.
  25. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Unfortunately, it's illegal to apply film to the entire front windshield. You can have a 6" strip at the top of the window, but the rest of the window must not be tinted. Sorry!
  26. EJRex

    EJRex Member

    I'm in for a windshield strip, standard dyed film. Can you do a 5% strip? And where will this be done?
  27. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Yep, windshield strip is $20 and will be done with 5%.

    I believe Alex is putting together a location and time, etc...
  28. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    1-2 inches max. I still want a majority of the window to be legal.
  29. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    What you could do is apply a 35% film and then go back over it with either 5% cut to a pattern or you could also use Vinyl to surround the edges of the window to give off that effect.

    If you wanted to do something like this, we would need to probably do it aside from the tint day, as it will definitely take time if you want to do it with film. It would require me to not only tint the car "twice", but the bordered sections would need to be hand trimmed into a pattern which adds time and difficulty.

    Nevertheless, I can do it. It would just be double the price + add about $20 a window for custom work. It would obviously get a tad expensive.

    If you went with the standard line film for all of it, it would cost about $400.
  30. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i don't know if thats the best idea. cuz if u get pulled over for tint the cop's meters only go down the window a half inch, so in your case they are gonna measure ur complete black custom jobber. that means big ticket.

    and as far as my car goes, i'd love to make it out sunday, but i have NO idea when i will get my car back. just dropped it off today and having a new transmission installed....
  31. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    Actually, most meters are a tad larger than that. The Pocket Detectives go down about 1 - 2 inches over the lip of the window. However, you do bring up a good point. Depending on what type of meter the officer is using, it may cause problems. You may be able to get by this by not tinting the lip of your roll-ups, but that will look a bit off.
  32. V_WRX

    V_WRX Member

    How much would it cost to get my sunroof tinted? Subaru sunroofs come without any tint whatsoever.
  33. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

  34. V_WRX

    V_WRX Member

    Cool. I don't think that I can make it on saturday though. I'll keep in touch with you.
  35. solarcomfort

    solarcomfort New Member

    It seems that since this is last minute, most people that want to come won't be able to.

    How about this? Let's come up with a good weekend where most of you that want to come, should be able to come and we'll make the cut-off for scheduling your car be the Wednesday before that weekend.

    For instance, if we decide on next weekend (the 31st - 1st), then the cut-off for getting your car scheduled in would be Wednesday (29th).

    What does everyone think? What would be a good weekend to do this?
  36. sucks i already have tint........ have fun guys. :) and Alex what % are you getting?
  37. xpsi

    xpsi Member

    I can vouch for SolarComfort. The tint on my car was done through him. I would upload pics if I had taken any, plus i got tint on my windows not to long ago. Great person and he does an awesome job. :wiggle:
  38. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Hey guys,

    Sorry. I'm having issues getting around the house today and am pretty slow to reply to most things. Good news though, getting the MRI tomorrow to look for any sort of tendon / ligament damage.

    Right now I am thinking we could use one of my dad's garages (he has plenty to spare). He's out of town right now and will not be back in the country until Friday. Anyways, Ill have more information soon (gonna try to get in touch with him tomorrow).

    I wasnt planning on this much activity, however, Solar is more than willing to work another event in for us at these prices. Isnt he great? :)

  39. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    wow, $1000 for window tint violations. I wanted something between milo (unknown%) and Rod (35%) but would hate to pay that fine. Can you do 15 or 20%? and if so, do you think i'll get flack from the ol' 50? I work less than 1000 feet from the sandy springs police station and i am always getting lights flashed at me by police for my exhaust. I don't need that to escalate to a ticket.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2007
  40. RADON

    RADON Member

    Will, mine is closer to ~ 20%.
  41. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    ok, so i guess i'm looking for 10-15 then.
  42. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    Just wondering if you have done any clearbra installations? its rare to find tint shops that still provide this service...
  43. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    corrected that for ya ;)
  44. AK_Raptor

    AK_Raptor Member

    You may have already said but what % tint would it be
  45. AK_Raptor

    AK_Raptor Member

    AHH is there a set place
  46. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    As far as I know I am driving up to his house Sat. morning. I'll get directions and post it in my first post.
  47. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Ok cool because I might see if I can get my gf's se-r tinted if this goes down in a decent area.
  48. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    He lives in Cuming. Its about an hour drive, give or take, from Downtown Atlanta.
  49. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    hmmm... will have to see how this all pans out over the next day or so

    after all, I tend to live my life 1/4 a mile at a time homeboi
  50. V_WRX

    V_WRX Member

    Hmm... if he lives in Cumming, i wonder if i can get my sunroof tinted on saturday, since it's on my way to the mountain run anyway.

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