Savannah g2g group scheduling

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by ksource, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. ksource

    ksource Member

    I've posted this thread so we can all keep in touch with one another on a regular basis. I know everyone has different schedules so it's hard to connect with everyone at once. We all (together) need to plan a meeting date that best suits our hectic work schedules. I understand some of you work weekends, but we can work around that too. Also keep in mind that we will have an early 7-8PM dinner meet and a an after meet point like billiards, bowling, etc. So if you can't make the dinner, then there's always an alternative. Any new and out of town members are welcome too.

    If any of you have suggestions on a time and new location for a permanent g2g feel free to throw one out. Personally I like the Saturday night 7-8PM (dinner)/ 9-10 (later activity) schedule. Once we set an offical time and place, I'll make a list of members who are going to attend so it will be all legit.

    (revised 4/18/07)

    Where: Go-kart track in Pooler/ Al's for Poker

    When: 4/28/07 5PM


    Last edited: Apr 18, 2007
  2. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    Good luck. I tried to set up one a few weeks ago and no one showed up. Someone else tried to get one together two weeks later and I was the only one there (yeah, the person who tried to organize it didn't even show) so forgive me if I'm a little skeptical. I've noticed no one ever wants to get together these days...

    I'd suggest something a little more central away from the ricer cop magnets and not everyone lives in the Richmond Hill/Georgetown area. There's a grocery store (I think it's a Kroger) across from the DMV on Eisenhower so that could be good. Or maybe the Toys 'R Us/Bed, Bath & Beyond parking lot?
  3. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    There used to be a food lion in that parking lot a while back, not sure if its still there. But Kyle you guys should definitely look into doing bowling down there too. You could probably do Victory Lanes, I know that's where my friends and I always went/go when we bowl. Maybe if i'm ever home one weekend i can come meet up too.
  4. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    pool or bowling works.
    if we are going to attempt to go somewhere for dinner on a saturday night, there is going to be about an hour wait time, especially for a large group. i do agree that we need to stay away from abercorn (or at least the areas where the ricers hang out), but if we are initially meeting up to have dinner, we really shouldn't have a problem, since we will be customers and all that.
  5. ksource

    ksource Member

    I know there's been some miss communication with all of us on getting everyone together. That's why I want to gather everyone to come to a group decision on where and when we should meet up. I wouldn't want to see everyone split away, then again I know I'll see some of you at autocross. :cool:

    1. 204 and I-95 where you have Applebee's, Ruby Tuesday's, Houlihan's, etc. that area is usually less disturbed and it really isn't too hard to get a table at any of these locations.

    2. (Pomosrki's recommendation) Kroger of Food Lion parking lot via Capone's Billiards (which serves food and beer). That actually works perfect for us, and there's Sweet Potatoe's right across the street, awesome food!!! This is a less disturbed area as well.

    3. Kroger shopping center via Fudrucker's on Hwy 17, very secluded. We just need to make this one a 7-8PM due to restaurant hrs.

    4. AMF Bowling on Tibet and Abercorn, as long as we're inside bowling or having a few beers, we don't have to worry about the Nopi kids showing up. ALSO there's is parking in the rear closest to the bar, lol. :ddirty:

    We'll there are 4 recommendations, we can even switch 'em up every other g2g if you all want. So now lets all decide on a scheduled date and location. THEN we will have everyone (WHO WILL BE ATTENDING) sign in to this thread, and I will pencil everyone in on the thread (see revised first post). That way it will be legit. :)
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2007
  6. ksource

    ksource Member

    Wassup man, sorry I dipped out wthout saying bye. It was a rushed decision. Definately let me know when your down this way again.:wavey:
  7. reconracer

    reconracer Member

    I not to familiar with the area, but here's something we did in Alaska. Meet up at a place to eat and then go out and drive in a convoy, it's pretty badass seeing like 20 to 30 subaru's just driving right behind each other
  8. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    ^^^ they did the same thing in dallas too... however, they did it on friday night which, for me, is reserved for :beer:
  9. ksource

    ksource Member

    If you need directions man I'll post then or PM ya. We did cruise a few times last year, but it got old due to unwanted company on the road which resulted in MORE unwanted company like the police. It has gotten very hot in the local area with illegal street racing on the weekends. As of today, I heard on AM local news radio that the SPD will bring 40 more patrol units out on the streets. it will be going on April 3-5, they did this last yr. too (Operation Rolling Thunder). It's almost as bad as Cobb County. The SPD is cracking down on wreckless, drunk, stupid drivers, so I urge all of you Savannah locals to keep cool.

    Reconracer, since you are new to the Savannah scene I'll give you the heads up on the whole junky troublesome import/domestic/both scene here. It's basically a bunch of kids racing up and down the Abercorn strip on a Fri. or Sat. night. They start out at Chatham plaza across from the Oglethorpe Mall around 9ish doing burnouts in the parking lot and blaring music, basically just trying to draw attention or impress eachother with their new BOV, intake, neons, Pepboys upgrades etc.. Anyways... once this scene is broke up by the police, they either make their way to the abandoned Media Play parking lot or they all go out looking to race other people with sports cars like us who have Subarus. People know our cars and love to try to antagonize us on the road. So we all try to keep our little Savannah Chapter clean and problem free, trust me we've seen enough bs happen in the past, and I was never a saint growing up either. Some of our fellow autocrossers prefer not to show up at our g2g's only because of past bad experiences on the street. We all pretty much like to stay quiet and secluded from all the weekend maddness if you know what I mean.

    As far as convoy trips, a weekend drive to the beach sounds like a winner to me. I'd like to start out early on a Sat. or Sun. like 8AM. and take a drive to the beach to hang out on the beach or take pics, something different. And if you guys want to do a real trip, whenever the local Atl. group decides to do another dragon run, we should all join up with them and do that.
  10. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    What ksource says is right on; however, i can't say i've had many people want to race but i drive a wagon, albeit yellow, but a wagon nonetheless and who wants to race a wagon?

    Another idea is the bowling alley out on thunderbolt.

    Count me in ksource. I'm willing to give it a try if we can get some people to agree.
  11. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    i had to post again just so i can have the same number of posts as ksource. can't let him beat me since we joined at the same time :).
  12. ksource

    ksource Member

    Hehe... never noticed. We'll anyone else down for bowling, this weekend, or next weekend? We need at least 4 or 5 people, sad to say.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2007
  13. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    i am in. either weekend works for me.
    if we get enough people together, maybe we can flush out some more ideas.
    hopefully, this will promote more organization down here.
  14. reconracer

    reconracer Member

    your absolutely right, anyway the only racing ill be doin is at the 1/4 mile track down in florida unless theres one close by, and early cruises are the way i like it, i got a wife and 2 kids, even though i have a stage 4 and horribly loud exhaust i keep to the rules of the road and don't make an ass out of myself and draw attention, i can't afford to pay tickets and don't want to die being a moron bc i eat, sleep and drink wanting to be vin diesel in the fast and furious living my life a quarter mile at a time. i don't know how old you guys are but im 28 seen enough friends die from doing stupid sh!t.
  15. ksource

    ksource Member

    So which weekend works for everyone? I can do either as well, although I am tight on money it still shouldn't be an issue to come hang out.
  16. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    this weekend or next will work for me; bowling would also work. any time on saturday is good...
  17. ksource

    ksource Member

    Aaight so far it's 3 or 4 of us? I'm all down for bowling!:ddirty:
  18. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    I'll have to ask the girlfriend. lol
  19. ksource

    ksource Member

    alright -1.:hsnono:
  20. Aries41

    Aries41 New Member

    count me in too...
  21. Aries41

    Aries41 New Member

    Ben when are we going to put my FMIC on? give me a call
  22. ksource

    ksource Member

    Werd! So are we doin it this weekend or next weekend? and which bowling alley? So far Im counting 5 maybe 7 depending on if Ben H. and Jameson can make it. So far, it looks like the usual.
  23. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    this weekend works for me.
    hell, i am not opposed to doing a mini install day here at the house before we go meet everyone else.
    i have a fmic to help install.
  24. ksource

    ksource Member

    I'll help out... or at least watch.
  25. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    this weekend also works for me.
  26. ksource

    ksource Member

    Alright... so who's down for AMF Bowling on Tibet Ave.? As far as eating there's the whole restaurant area around Home Depot, how does Outback sound? As for a time, 7PM on Saturday?
  27. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    at 7, the wait at any restraunt is going to be at least an hour on the weekend.
    i don't have a problem w/ that, it is jsut something that we need to keep in mind.
  28. BattleWagon

    BattleWagon Member

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  29. Aries41

    Aries41 New Member

    if we can figure out what restaurant we want to go eat at and get an estimate of people coming than we can just call in earlier and reserve a table or two
  30. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    what about fudruckers on 17 instead of outback? after we eat, we can head down the bowling alley on abercorn. that way, we won't attract any unwanted attention when our cars are parked while we are eating....(and it isn't quite as expensive)
  31. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    to quote, you need skillz and you ain't got no skillz!!!

    fudruckers sounds better to me. with operation rolling thunder going on, staying on the down low would be a good thing.
  32. ksource

    ksource Member

    That works! Check first post for attendance...
  33. ksource

    ksource Member

    Had a good time everyone! I also dug Dirty Martini's although I had to break away early. It's a real chill spot. So it looks like our next meet will be on the 28th this month, Go-kart racing in Pooler, then poker at Al's. If any of you can't make it let us know. Check first post for revised schedule...
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2007
  34. Aries41

    Aries41 New Member

    I'm down for go-kart and poker
  35. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    i checked out the go-kart place today and they are open from 10-10 on saturday and it's $5.50 per 6-7 minute ride. i saw a posting that said 10 tickets for $50 so you'd save a whopping five bucks. anyways, that's the deal...
  36. ksource

    ksource Member

    We'll maybe we'll get lucky and round up 10 heads to run at the go-kart track.
  37. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    or maybe at least five and then we can have two go arounds each...
  38. BattleWagon

    BattleWagon Member

    dont think i can make it to go-karts, might have to go to Pennsylvania that weekend :mad:
  39. ksource

    ksource Member

    Aww you suck man! j/k

    First post revised, so how does 5PM on Sat. 28th sound?
  40. BattleWagon

    BattleWagon Member

    well, turns out now im not goin, so i can make it to go karts :)
  41. ksource

    ksource Member

    So guys are we still on for Sat @ 5 or maybe earlier?
  42. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    5:00 is great for me. Cant wait!
  43. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    unfortunatly, i won't be able to make it this time.
    next g2g we have, i will definatly be there though.
  44. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    well, you're no fun...
  45. ksource

    ksource Member

    Behave! :pssh:

    And what Al said!
  46. BattleWagon

    BattleWagon Member

    I Need Directions!!!!! Asap
  47. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    Had alot of fun. Can't wait until the next meet.
  48. ksource

    ksource Member

    Alright guys I guess when Al gets back in town we'll do another g2g. Ben H. had mentioned a cookout at our house if anobody's interested. So how does everyone feel about that? Or we can do an all day beach g2g which I'm anxious to do.
  49. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    a cookout sounds good to me.
  50. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    i could go for a cookout. i'll be back in town on june 4th so anytime after that is good with me. i also am going to tr and get to the autocross on the 20th. if i don't run, i'll at least take pictures. we'll see what i happen to decide...

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