News- "Super Speeder" Legislation Pending

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by mmtasty, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    "Governor Sonny Perdue has announced legislation to reduce the number of automobile accidents and provide additional funds for trauma care in Georgia. The "Super Speeder" legislation would increase fines in an effort to decrease reckless behavior. Driving over 85 miles per hour anywhere in Georgia, or driving 75 miles per hour on a two-lane road would result in a "super speeding" offense, and violators would receive additional fine of $200 administered by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. The legislation would also create an additional fine for license reinstatement to address habitual violators who lose their license because of dangerous driving behaviors." Google "super speeder georgia" for additional sources.

    Tuesday this went through. Hope you guys know this... So now you'll get to give $250+/- for going 85 on I-75, PLUS a bonus contribution of $200!

    Thank you Sonny! I'd bet that hypocritical ass clown drives 85 every day of the week...
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Before I felt they were stupid, I guess now they're super stupid...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2007
  3. N2BNLOW

    N2BNLOW Member

    Good thing I got my "super speeding" fine last summer. I've slowed down alittle. No more 87's in a 45.:sx:
  4. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    85 mph is pretty fast when you think about all the other idiots on the road that you are surrounded by. Personally, I think they should crack down harder on people that run red lights. Those people are far more dangerous!
  5. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    No kidding! You're no doubt familiar with the light at Ross road / 78 (by my house); it's terrible the way people run it.. when the light turns green for me I just have to sit there 4-5 seconds and wait for people to blow through the intersection.

    That and tailgaters... and people who drive slooooow in the left lane causing everybody to keep changing lanes to get around them.
  6. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    ?East Park Place?/78 and Hewatt/78 are the same way man.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    thats crazy... if u drive at 80, you are flowing with traffic
  8. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    I am screwed! My brain does not understand less than 85!

    I agree with Milo, 80 is the flow of traffic, anything less you are likely to get the finger or ran over....
  9. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    That is what brought cameras onto the streets. We all agree that running red lights is bad, and that taking pictures of the infraction is a good idea. So, now photo enforced intersections are all over. But now that they have that inch, they're going to take everything. I'll bet money that before the year is over they're going to have Photoradar on the roads taking pictures of speeders all day. Including our mothers, grandmothers, you, me, and the people that voted to put the cameras in place! Drive through Roswell. Every road (including GA400), at some point, has a sign on it that says "Photo Enforced" to get us ready for what's going to happen next.


    If this bothers you, speak up and write a letter! Don't just sit there and take it in the butt.

    And I hope the cops reading this understand that they are being paid by the people. The people are represented by a majority vote. The majority vote to drive at a speed (the "flow of traffic") regardless of what was posted years ago. Sometimes it's faster than the posted speed (2AM), sometime it's lower (rush hour). Therefore, if you're giving tickets to people going with the "flow" you're not representing what the people want. Furthermore, don't be a hypocrite.
  10. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    It's more about the $$ than safety. Someone at "Georgia Department of Driver Services" needed more funds... Time for an I-Team investigation!
  11. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Actually, the trauma system needs more money. We have one of the worst trauma systems in the country, funding wise. A good portion of the increased fines will go to help improve our hospital based trauma capability. I would rather they just passed a new quarter tax or something, but unfortunately, that would be harder than passing this bill. I hate it, but I also understand the need...
  12. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    I've never driven 85mph on the highways consistently. Never had a need to, 80 is tops around here. Heck when I drive through atl 75mph seems to put me above the flow of traffic.

    And this new bill came about as it should be funding the trauma service. Just how they thought it best to raise money for something that is desperately in need.
  13. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I'm glad you posted that. I've been driving that speed for years but not anymore. I can't afford to get any more speeding tickets being an MP. They really tend to frown on us getting those.
  14. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Its all about the $$...

    Satellite BLVD is a perfect example of it.

    I have to go 70~75 between Duluth hwy and the top of the hill past the Precinct building just to keep from getting run over, DAILY...and the speed limit is 45.

    Guess what happens? The local cops just buzz right by.
  15. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    i go with the flow so i should be ok. just dont standout in the traffic and you should be ok.
  16. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    I tell ya. Implement a fine for running and rolling stop signs. State could make a killing and fund all the areas we are lacking in.
  17. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    what a way to generate revenue...
  18. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    i dont buy safety either.

    all reports i've ever read show the difference between 55 and anything faster simply doesn't matter enough to count toward any kind of 'safety,' both in driver reaction, and impact damage.
  19. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    this is a total money maker... go on any interstate in ga any day, any time and you have at least half the people doing 85 or better. this is because everyone would SHIT on purdue if he tried to get tolls passed.

    i'm not saying that people should be going that fast all the time, but this is a bit absurd. why don't they just enforce the limits more often? oh, right because the cops are underfunded and understaffed because local govt didn't appropriate enough money for them, either. god i hate politicians.
  20. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Um, yeah, I drive a sonic yellow WRX... :wavey: I could only blend in with a heard of school buses.

    I can be going slower than the flow in a center or rightish lane, but when cops see me they point the gun at me every time... I have an Escort X50 (the best $300 I ever spent - if you don't have one, you're stupid) so I can tell what they're up to.
  21. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    well i dont have a escort x50 so i guess im ......:wtc:

    my cars is aspahlt cement color so it blends in.

    plus i dont need a detector cause i go withe the flow. always follow someone faster than me. and i dont swerve in and out of traffic i tend to stay in 1 lane and stay there. i got 2 speeding tix sofar and those were some stupid ones like goin 5 over and stuff like that. i wasnt even in an evo.
  22. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ I feel you about the Sonic coming from one myself..... My WRB sticks out like a sore thumb as well, especially with the wing. I recently bought/installed a Valentine 1, worth every penny. Nothing like rolling past a speed trap going the speed limit, I want to smile and wave!
  23. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i never felt like i have been targeted by cops... anyone who has ever seen or heard my car will immediately say its looks like a cop magnet... maybe the cops around where i live are cooler than the ones where u live :dunno:... my radar detector goes off whenever i see a cop with a gun... but unless its laser, it doesn't mean he's pointing it directly at me

    i have a radar detector but i don't think its stupid not to have one... i do think that speeding and expecting not to get a ticket is stupid, no matter what fancy gadget one may own
  24. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    I was referring to laser and the instant-on radar. When you're in a long line of cars passing a cop and there's no Ka until you pass, that's instant-on and you're being singled out. I get it all the time. I never needed one until I got the yellow car. going 10-15 over in a car that blends in isn't bad, but if the cop is sitting there licking his lips thinking of all the tickets he could write, mine looks the most tasty.

    Don't forget, I'm not some speeding asshole that swerves around. I'm an extremely considerate and safe driver that likes to exercise my car when nobody is around. I don't have full coverage, never been in any accidents, and until I bought the yellow car never had a speeding ticket.
  25. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    you know, i thought it would be a problem when i got the sti (big wing), but really... i can't complain. cops haven't fucked with me anymore than anyone else on the road. and i drive through duluth 2x a day (which is saying something)
  26. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i have never got that... considering its an all black car with dark tint, huge wing and an exhaust u can hear before u even see the car...

    maybe i have just been lucky :sx:
  27. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Texas speed limit is 80. The flow is usually runnin 75-80 anyways round atlanta. why dont they just up da limit oh wait that would make sense. I understand the $$ need for truma units but there are other ways to get it than handin out $200 tickets whens quota time commin up?:eek:hnoes:
  28. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    If people are interested I can really post alot more about the trauma system in Georgia, how many obstacles this legislation has to overcome to even be passed, and stats on increased death rates at higher speeds, but suffice it to say, you gotta pay to play. If you want to zip around Atlanta at more than 20mph over the posted speed limit, your gonna get tagged once in awhile ( I include myself in this....).
  29. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    FYI- It passed and was placed into effect last Tuesday.

    Agreed and disagreed... For example, we all cruise at 75 MPH on I-75 on a Sunday morning (or anytime nobody is out). The chances of hurting someone else are slim to none. If you're going 20 over in rush hour when it's bumper to bumper and you hit an open spot, that's not safe at all and you're likely to kill someone. Or if you're racing, 45 in a neighborhood, etc.

    Solution- have a 'Super Speeder' check box on the citation and let it be the officer's discretion if you're going with the flow, or being a menace on the roads. Then, increase fines for the guilty party of ANY accident 4+ times as high. Duh. Yes, it's that simple. This is not a reasonable piece of legislation.

    Just be aware of your speed (and probably more importantly the posted speed limit)
  30. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    No, it wasn' passed the senate, not the house. Its not likely to pass the house any time soon and would most likely not be enacted until sometime in 2009...Just an fyi.

    What areas do you feel that you need to go over 85mph on? If so, do you think its a reasonable thing to do? I know most of the people on here have a pretty good idea of how to drive, but what do you do when your cruising at 90 and that little old lady unexpectedly decides to swerve across three lanes of traffic for no reason?
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  31. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ I agree, no reason to go over 85.... but 75-80 on 4 lane GA400 is safe and is the norm... Go 65 and you get run over. Make the speed limit 70 and find some other way to raise funds besides jacking up the general public with both tickets and higher insurance.
  32. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Just look down from time to time... You'd be surprised at how fast you and everyone around you is going. So if you cruise at 80 in a 65 with everyone else, maybe you need to change lanes to exit and speed up a bit to pass an 18 wheeler.

    And all this is assuming your speed isn't being elaborated/rounded up by the cop. (nooo... that never happens)

    I'm not setting cruise at 90 downtown or anything... I live up in Kennesaw where I-75 is a 65 zone.

    No biggie. Just saying that I know I've gone over 85 before.
  33. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I am not trying to hammer anyone. I KNOW I have gone over 85mph before. Does that make me right or do I think that it shouldn't have consequences when/if I do? Nope. I agree that it would be nice to have higher speed limits, but then, I would also like to see much more stringent requirements for people to obtain a license. Getting a DL in Germany or France (or most of Europe for that matter) is far more difficult than here. Consequently, the highways are much nicer to drive on there. People actually use the left lane as a "higher speed"/"passing" lane there. I was far less frustrated driving on the highways in Europe than I am here...
  34. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Now that would be some legislation we all would go hold up signs to show full support for! :bigthumb: This is what I'm talking about! This super speeder crap is, well, crap.
  35. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member


    I never took a driving test down here, but I've heard it's WAY too easy and I think it's reflected grossly on our streets...IMO

    My commute now includes highways and I see an accident, seriously everyday, in my 5 mile stretch of 285 goodness....
  36. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    It's all about sticking it to violators to create more revenue through legislation. I wish the government ass-hats in power had to budget more like private businesses do, and didn't have the option of increasing income through legislating higher fines, license fees, or taxes.

    If they were that concerned with safety wouldn't they move more towards license suspension rather than increasing fines.
  37. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    The GA driving test is a fucking joke. When I took it I even stalled the car and they didn't care; it consisted of driving around a parking lot, using your turn signal, accelerate and brake, then parallel park in a space large enough to stick an 18-wheeler in.

    Just for comparison, my beloved homeland requires extensive theory training (basically like taking a college course), lots of hands-on driving, and most people fail at least once during the final test, which consists of driving around with an instructor in city traffic, highway traffic etc for like 30-60 mins. Often times you can spend $3-5k on your driver's education there. Of course, it's doable because the public transit system is so excellent that you don't HAVE to have a car; even out in 'the boons' there are generally buses every hour or two. Here in GA you're basically fucked if you don't have a car or license, so until they figure out how to create a viable alternative I don't see much stricter/tougher driving exams anytime soon.
  38. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    True, cause gettin out of the truck which only goes 65 to getting in the suby makes it hard sometimes.
  39. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Moose- where's your homeland? Assholeland? Yourmommaland? Sweden? (<- the biggest jerks of all...)

    Yeah, I ran a stop sign and sped during my driving test and still passed. I took it in my dad's Miata, which had just come out... The guy was so thrilled to be riding in one he didn't pay any attention to me. Hahaha.... Miata...
  40. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I definitely agree that a more stringent DL test is exactly what we need. As previously stated it is a joke in Georgia. I think it would be a lot less of an issue if the speed limit were +10 to +20 if everyone could freaking drive. I know that there are studies saying that speed does increase the rates of accidents. But I definitely feel the most dangerous people on the road are the ones that are swerving in and out of traffic always trying to go faster than anyone else.

    It does annoy me extremely when I'm in the far left lane and we're not moving any faster (or even slower) than the lane to the right. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea to cut over 3 lanes and gun it in an attempt to get around 3 cars. I believe that that problem along with many other ones on the roads are a combination of someone being inconsiderate and someone else being impatient and erratic. I'm not even really sure who is more at fault, but the highways sure would be a lot better place to drive if people were more considerate and less rage-filled.

    Now I'm not saying that I've never just gotten completely fed up with said left lane slow drivers and sped around them. But when traffic is as bad as it often is in Atlanta, I just suck it up and wait. I do know however that I try to be the most considerate person I can be on the interstate.

    The one thing more than anything else I wish was taught to all new drivers was that on an interstate, you should generally be moving faster than the car to the right of you.

    Whew, haha alright, I'm done.
  41. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    BUMP! Just heard this will soon be in effect.

    Just consider all driving over the speed limit a game, and now every time you go 85+ it's a lightning round.

    I don't drive that fast constantly, but every now and then I'll get on it. I wonder if they're considering those 4 lane sections that have a speed limit of 70? 85 in a 70 is only 15 over... :(
  42. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    what confuses me is the big 6 lane sections of 75 south of Forsyth, ga is 65. I guess it's because they think there are more cars around, but wouldn't it make sense that you have more room to run off in case of speed?
  43. Galimore

    Galimore Member

    "RECIFFO ECILOP" *poof* Only saying their name backwards can send them back to the Fifth Dimension where they belong.

    Good thing my tires are off balance right now and 85+ feels like car is shitting bricks!
  44. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Some how I missed this thread, maybe I wasn't around then? But there are some good points here.
  45. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    could you imagine the fine getting caught in a construction zone (speeding fine double) doing 85+? Can you say cash cow? I also heard on the radio this morning that the ted light cameras are increasing the amount of rear end collision and they are considering taking them down. Not sure how true, but notworthy.
  46. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Anyone know if Sonny signed this into law yet? I know it passed on the 3/26 and all that was left was him to sign it. If he did sign into law, when exactly?
  47. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    not sure if it has been signed yet but I know he plans on it. just a matter of time now....
  48. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    this is the biggest pile of shit... anyone wanna guess the speed limit on 85N past the 985 split? 70mph.

    and, there was a law AGAINST writing tickets for <10mph over the speed limit on major hwy/freeways.

    so, now what happens? you go 5mph over the limit on that road and which law over-rules? i'm guessing the one that makes the govt more money.

    i haven't read the law yet, but from what i'm hearing on the radio, there is a serious contradiction here.
  49. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ My question exactly... even with 400 being 65mph, are you telling me 21 over is gonna be that huge of a deal? Yes, 21 over is excessive and subject to ticketing.. but especially when the average speed to go with the flow of traffic is 78 or so, is 86 a reason to call the national guard?

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