Deciding between CS and EE

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jayj713, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    So in highschool I took AP Computer science A/AB for 2 years, and i actually had some fun doing it. But then we started learning all of the different data types like Hashmaps and Heaps and all that stuff and after learning that my interest in CS dropped considerably.

    So I decided to try out Electrical Engineering my first year at college, so here I am 2nd semester freshman year. I'm taking Circuits I and Digital I, and I don't think i like EE as much as CS. I think it's mostly digital, because we have to use all of the different chips and then make them do what we want. I think i like programming something myself to make it do what I want. I'm leaning towards switching majors back to CS.

    What do you guys think, I know most people say, "Don't do it for the money." but what do you guys think is better for the future? EE or CS? And any other advice?
  2. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    Expect to take 3 more labs involving circuits that only get harder. Also, digital signal processing doesn't go away, the math you learn there will apply to every class you take after that. Electromagnetics is a royal pain in the ass.

    i also took that CS ap and passed out of some stuff here at tech, going in as a cmpe. Switched to EE because i learned you get such a wide range of stuff to specialize in you can do whatever you like and still make bank. I'm minoring in biomedical engineering focusing on medical imaging. So i'd stick with EE and just take CS classes on the side if thats what you like to do.
  3. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    You sound like a great candidate for CmpE. My brother went that route and has had great success. I've always known I was a CS type since... ohh.... Jr High.

    PS. working in your major isn't necessarily like college. Just ask any ChemE. :)
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2007
  4. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Isn't that the truth..... thank god I don't have to design any distillation columns for my job cause I wouldn't remember where to start.
  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Which university do you go to? If you go to Georgia Tech please take ECE2025 (Digital Signal Processing). This class changed my view on EE. DSP is a real cool field, especially if you get into algorithmic design. I am currently a PhD student at Georgia Tech and have been working on SP algorithms for a few years now. Not once have I regretted my decision.
  6. Hes at Southern Poly.

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