Import Showdown: 4/29 Silver Dollar

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Maniacurabus06, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. haha!!! you went bro? i didn't see you! i think i saw your car, but i thought it was someone elses.
    what did you run?

    and yead i need to wash my car ASAP. :D
  2. Hughes8418

    Hughes8418 Member

    I didnt run i would hope i would break 14.00 and i dont have a helmet. You need a helmet when you break 14.00 right?
  3. they didn't tell me anything! who'd you go with?
  4. Hughes8418

    Hughes8418 Member

    aim Hughes8418
  5. J Suby

    J Suby Member

    i went, had a great time as always only ran 3 times b/c my car is on the edge of blowing up... lol, stupid wastegates! neways i believe their one lap car ran around a 12.1 but i wasn't there all day. and no its not a big secret i rolled down with the guy driving it, awesome car and a great guy. and yes clark ran a 9.98 towards the end unfortunatley i missed it!
  6. Clarks Supra is badass! the guys that i hangout with are real cool with him. and ive had the honor of seeing that MKIV run in the streets acouple times! :D man its insane!
  7. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    you know that's his daily driver as well...
  8. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    I ran 11.7@122.9mph I only made one pass as I just wanted to practice launching the car so I ran it at wastegate pressure 19psi. Didn't want to break anything before the big event.

    Clarks car ran 9.9 @ 147mph, this was done on his low boost setting 32psi. We tried to turn the boost up higher but he was having issues getting it into 3rd so we stopped.

    On a differnt note today the brighton ran a 61.9 at Talladega Grand Prix
  9. J Suby

    J Suby Member

    sorry for the wrong time post, so many cars i forgot what ran what, congrats on the time though doug, thats great for the 1st run! and i can't believe i missed clark!, btw ur car is beautiful!
  10. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    some pics i found
    check out the squat-age

  11. OH SNAPS!!!!! Nice pictures!! damn my car looks like a FWD when i launch it! haha!

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