BlackBerry Pearl

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Greg, May 7, 2007.

  1. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Does anyone here have the BlackBerry Pearl? I have the gay ass Nextel 7100i and its just too big (long) and doesn't have a camera. I've been thinking of switching to another carrier for a while, since Nextel service sucks in this area, and I came across the 'Pearl' with Cingular.
    Does anyone have any experience with the BlackBerry Pearl? And does anyone have any info on the service in the N. Georgia area?

    Here is what I have now
  2. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    What kind of service did you get? We use nextel and blackberries for communications among higher up people and never have many issues regarding service.
  3. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Right now my 'Home Phone' is my cell phone, and I don't get service where I live now, so that causes some problems :) Nextel is really just hit or miss when it comes to service around here. There is even a 2 mile stretch in downtown atlanta where I have absolutely no service. The really isn't all that bad, I use the e-mail daily and the internet browser daily, and its a lot easier to use than you'd think.

    I'm switching to Cingular for now, and my girlfriend is going to switch to Verizon.
  4. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    You should wait for the (8300) Curve....It might have been released today. Check out RIMs site.
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    why not just both switch to either company and save some cash?
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i have a blackberry pearl and i am with cingular. I love it, but i will be getting rid of it when the iPhone comes out. So it will be for sale.....

    oh, and on the last mountain run i was apparently the only one with service on the run, I made a call with full service in Vogel through the twisties.
  7. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    I had service, verizon kicks cingulars (GSM) ASS!!!

    I have a blackberry 8703e. Their devices kick ass. I'd wait for the new 8300 or 8800 to come out. The same awesome pearl scroller and a full qwerty keyboard and other cool stuff.
  8. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I already really used to the 'SureType' and I like the small size. I had the bigger version with the full QWERTY when I was working at Elan, and I just couldn't handle the size of the thing.

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