Does anyone have this on their WRX? If so where can I get this done? I'm not so confident about cutting my car..
I called the first Sunroof place I found in the phonebook a couple years back to get my Roof Vent installed. The guy came out to my apartment and did everything. Took about an hour, and cost about $150.
I'd like to have a roof vent...I'm just a sucker for creature comforts though and feel I would greatly miss my map lights.
When you think about it, the map lights are worthless. If you are trying to read something, and you have the Map lights on, you are actually shining light on the back of your reading material. Now, the Dome light is perfect for reading. That I could not live without.
Yes, the STI Spec C Roof Vent. I am the only one in the area, probably the only one in GA. Aside from Nopi, I have never personally seen another with it, especially not on the road. The ones at Nopi are straight show cars that probably get driven to shows and that is it.
Can you let me know the name of the place that did your roof vent? Thanks...and please post pictures!!