Ok so this guy was at the track saying his 04 Explorer XLS is sooo fast (210chp 254ctq) and he smokes imports all the time. I overhear his conversation about how he beat a MS protege with a big turbo hnoes: and how he beats other cars and such.. I see he's got an AirRaid intake and a Flowmaster exhaust.. so I make sure I line up against him on the next pass.. he looks over at me just idling and kinda does this smirk/laugh and just shakes his head as we line up. Anyway, please feel free to view the results and comment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBiMCq4OUyc All I'll say is he didn't even park afterwards.. he just left :rofl: I even bogged the launch a bit and ran a crap time of 13.xx...
No... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HA! :rofl:
Seriously dude, I mean what was that guy thinking. That must have been the most embarassing moment of his life :rofl:
Haha.. I dunno, but it was fun putting him in his place, then seeing him just not even slow down and drive right out the gate.. That's what I get over here mostly.. more trucks and SUVs give me hell than any other.. dunno why.