New guy in town

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ronin21, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    Actually I have lived in marietta most of my life but I am new to the WRX scene. Here are som pics of my girl so if you see me make sure you give me a shout. Everyone take care.



  2. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    nice ride man. really clean.
    welcome to the boards.
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    awesome...glad you came over!
  4. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    Thanks I really like the clean look. Body kits and such not my style. I am more of a performance type of person.
  5. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Nice car. Hope to see ya driving around town
  6. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

  7. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Super clean...just the way we like it!!! welcome to the family see you round town!
  8. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    No I hadn't but I just read yours and it was pretty cool. I will have to put something together.
  9. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    I second that motion. It's a good way to find someone that has the same mod you might be considering. You can ask how they like it and if they recommend it.

    Glad you made your way over as well. See ya 'round...
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Welcome to the community!
  11. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

  12. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    Your avatar makes me laugh everytime I see it. That guy rules!! oh and thanks everyone for you kind words and I look forward to meeting all you guys at the next meet. whenever that may be lol.
  13. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    I probably won't be doing to much more modding. She has already been flashed to stage 2, I got my intake and turbo back exhaust, new suspension. So I figure I am good to go. I will get enough tickets as it is so why tempt fate that much more lol. I will be tearing the stock stereo out because it is awful. I have my eye on a Kenwood Excelon KDC-X491 HU to start off and then I will work my way back with speakers.
  14. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    ^^^ Hahahaaaa....not after we're done with you!

    Once you get into it there's no end to where you will stop. I used to think that my car was barely modded...then I did my journal, LOL. Especially if you get into a specific kind of racing, as all Subaru owners should, then all you can think about is how to prep you car perfectly for it.

    It's an illness that most of us see a shrink for and take 4 pills 3 times day.

    Again, welcome! ;)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2007
  15. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I think this is my first successful referral ever!
  16. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    LOL good looking out :)
  17. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    Unfortunately I think your probably right. Its cool though. I want to get a Dyno run scheduled just to know what I am working with and see where I stand. You guys have a favorite spot?
  18. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I prefer TopSpeed, BUT, BatlGround is in Marietta and IIRC, has an in ground AWD dyno.

    Both are VERY competitive in pricing. Both are great people!
  19. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    SoG has one too!!!
  20. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I thought theirs was just a giant paper weight

  21. Bolderer

    Bolderer Member

    Welcome to the boards. MESH WHEELS UNITE!!!
  22. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    so, apparently I've had 3 successful referrals...2 were today. I have NO clue who number 1 is...:rofl:
  23. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    In that case I guess they have 4 paper weights! :rofl:
  24. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    SoG has one? this is a little odd for a dealership to have that kind of stuff huh?
  25. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    Ummm, it depends. In SoG's case, they have a performance department, so yeah, they have a dyno.
  26. WJM

    WJM Banned

    In this 'day and age' not really. More and more places have either 2wd or 4wd dynos.

    Unfortunately, the dyno we have requires removal of the wheels as the pods bolt directly to the hubs. It sucks. Only upside is the fact that the dnyo is 'portable'...but each paper weight is over 500 lbs.
  27. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    Really thats pretty crazy. I guess its only because I am so accustomed to seeing the other kind. Is it something I could just swing by at anytime and do or would I have to set something up with you guys?
  28. WJM

    WJM Banned

    you'd have to setup an appointment with Scott.

    If it were a standard roller dyno like a Mustang or Dynojet, you could just swing by and it would be no big deal.
  29. ronin21

    ronin21 New Member

    Gotcha thanks for the info from everyone. everyone has been really cool and I appreciate it greatly.
  30. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    serious fucking paper weights

    :rofl: :p
  31. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Yep. FTL.
  32. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    WELCOME.......nice an clean.....i like:wavey:
  33. I'm Slow

    I'm Slow Member

  34. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    Nice ride

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