Just start driving without trying to outmod everyone. The driver mod is the number one mod to take care of before anything else. Just go to the next race at Turner Field on the 17th of this month. www.soloatlanta.com is a great place to start.
Have a look @ some of the many auto-x/hpde threads already here. They're filled with useful info. Then post back here with remaining questions.
I dont see how you daily drive with that fat a sway bar, but it'll feel just right on the auto-x, that's for sure.
I daily drive with coilovers and huge swaybars....-shrugs- beat's a shiatzu massage but then I live in the burbs where the roads don't suck
I think the bare essentials would be an alignment also. If you are using camber bolts, just have them max out the negative camber up front with zero cross camber and zero toe. The rear isn't adjustable unless you have bolts for back there also.
Go hang out at Turner field next autoX and ask people that don't seem that serious about it if you can ride. Try to figure out what the heck is happening. Walk the course too. Then ENTER! It doesn't have to be hard on your car. Your DP has already put you in a hard class so just run "time only" and have fun.
I didn't mean mods. I wanted to actually start autoXing.. is there like a class I can take or like a beginner's course or seomthing?
you can run in the novice class for your first 2 events, which includes an explanation of how the event is run, and a novice course walk, offering a good introduction to autocrossing. -- Brian
I may be going to this one. There would definitely be people better than me going to it from here (definitely), but you're more than welcome to ride along with me if I'm there. But yeah, like Brian said, just enter in the novice class. The help you walk the track and give some good tips. Other than that, I'd say just ride with other people and have other people ride with you. My first time out was before my wrxatlanta days, but I met some nice guy with a wrx that gave me a ride along and then rode with me on my first run to give me tips.