They're pimping a 96 Impreza L RIGHT NOW...That car is beat to hell....But, the thing is, dude has an 04/05 Wagon right in the front yard!! :rofl:
haha yeah I saw that yesterday too. I'm not a fan of all the decals and such, but it actually looked pretty good.
Just caught the end... Looked pretty sweet when they got it done. Minus all the sound stuff(unless your in to it, excessive to me....) They show gauges, scoop and stuff, but say nothing about the motor... I bet you they just cleaned it up and made it look fast, but didn't touch the motor. Wasn't diggin the wing to tough either....
they did say they were going to put a TurboXS exhaust on it, but the final product looked like the stock exhaust. They also mentioned that ESX gave them a stiffer suspension to put in the car....I wonder what they put in?
they always over-do the sound/video stuff. I saw one episode where they put monitors in the headrest on a 2 seater.:nuts:
Yeah it was ok. I kinda like and didn't like it at the same time. I was wondering how long till they got their hands on a Subi.
That was at WCC...The new episodes are at GAS.....looks like the guys at GAS know SOMETHING about heritage and cars.... actually, the ride height looked good...they probably used some KYB's or bullshit coilover kit...