Greg and i are trying to figure out what we want to do tonight w/o looking all homo by ourselves. lol im free pretty much after 7 and greg is free on.... well he is free anytime. lol is there a meet thats going on? any g2g's today? anyone want to do stuff?
drinking heavily where? when? who knows <------is finishing his second week of work for a CPA firm and needs a beer or 19
ha~! funny.... :squint: lol actually its greg i think he is depressed. lol me? i always do nothing on weekends so its nothing new to me. lol
i have to head up to buford to check on my parents cats since they are out of town. i may stop by pleasent hill. if i see no subies...i'm outta there.
work till 12:30 or 1 but then i'm free. Sweetwater tour is amazing. Have a DD who hates beer or you'll get stuck there (which is not a bad thing really).
i am probly gonna head up to triple play for a little bit. not sure if the other east cobbers (KeeganXT and Jason) will be going but if they show up, we'll probly stay longer....
lol hahahaha id have to admit that comment i made didnt sound right.... but we gotta do what we gotta do~ .... ( im just making it worse) lol