Georgia Tech people

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Brian, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Who's going to the garage party tonight?
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    The whaaa?
  3. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    ya wtf is that
  4. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Here's the email from Sterling... Please don't crash if you aren't alumni/student/staff.

    I hope you have heard about the garage party that is being thrown in a large warehouse near the intersection of I-75/85 and I-20 in Atlanta.

    Harry Jenkins is a Georgia Tech graduate, and son of a Georgia Tech graduate, and a collector of pre-war American cars.

    Harry and his partners own this 1940's antique warehouse and have it on the market, as well as looking at ideas for developing it into a meeting/work/storage/living center for those in the collectable car/motorcycle hobby/business in the southeast.

    The main floor is 70,000 square feet and has 7 overhead cranes, LOTS of electrical power, steel mezzanines, and an antique wooden factory floor in parts. In addition, there is a large office space attached with Art Deco design and a separate 12,000 square foot warehouse with very very high ceilings and no columns. The bathrooms seat 6 people.

    We will be able to explore this space on this Friday night (June 15th) between 8pm until after midnight. Suggestions on how the property could be developed, as well as purchase inquiries are welcome. The asking price is $1,999,999.99 for complete purchase. Or just come to hang out and dream about what you would like to build inside this building.

    Please bring your favorite car or motorcycle to display/discuss if you can. Bring any in-car movies or anything you might want to show motorheads on the big screen (DVD or VHS). Bring news or parts from your latest rolling project.

    Bring snacks or beerverages. We will be ordering Pizza for those that want a bite. You might want to throw in a folding chair if you dont like to stand for long, or maybe a flashlight if you want to see into the mysterious back hallways.

    ( By the way, the partners that own this building are looking for a few people to live in the office space portion over the next few months to provide security for the property. Please respond if you know of someone that is interested in living there rent-free just in order to have the building occupied. )

    The address is 1116 Murphy Avenue, Atlanta, Ga 30310

    There is an updated .GIF map file attached to this email. I found that there is some construction going on with various detours along the previously suggested route.
  5. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    harry jenkiiiiiinnnsss :rofl:

    If this is legit, sorry harry.
  6. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Its legit, Ill see you there
  7. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Urgh, I'm hung over. I forgot to bring the map last night. Got drunk at "No Mas" and couldn't find the place. Of course we were driving right by it, but I swore the street name was Mitchell. Ok, so what did I miss?
  8. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    the orgy was great. They had all sorts of playboy playmates there

    but yeah it sounds like a really interesting place. What happened?
  9. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    It was cool, mostly a bunch of geeky engineers hanging out talking about cars. I did get to talk to Dave Lynn(sp) though, and that was pretty cool
  10. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Find any pontential OLOA sponsors?

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