Hi everyone, I dont know if you guys know that I'm a Photographer, I'm trying to finish my website, and I would like to have a group pictures of all the WRX that I can get together and also some selected WRX that bring a lot of attantion and I will have a model with me to pose for the car too. would like to add that in my website. Keeganxt I might need your help with some idea for the graphic works. if anyone know any girls that would like to model, let me know (sorry would be no pay but will get her name out real fast if she is in to that). thanks HSU Photography
well I'm low on models this day because all my models are in Ohio, is going to be hard to get them down here. I have some models here but only one would be good for it but she is only 17 and is my coworkers kids so I dont know about that so need more over 18 models
haha, 17 huh.... :rofl: I'm down for anything man... Can't really talk me out of anything now days... I just gotta stay away from jail for a while
well we need to start with the model search too then so I can keep you out of jail but would need to do pic soon, site almost done, just need somemore other pictures, because since I do mainly wedding, engagement, senior and modeling pictures, I need more cars (with girl is a +)!!!
she would, But I would rather not use my girl for it. she is good at the photoshoot, but rather use other girls. I will have her take a picture with my dog by your car just for you!!! lol
I have a girl thats good for the shoot. Her myspace page is www.myspace.com/sonia3218 she is currently in Puerto Rico for 2 weeks but will be back sometime next week. I may be able to scoop up a couple more
well so far I want to get it done with in 2 weeks so I want to see how many cars and girls we can get together, everyone that is interested please email me at hsuphotography@yahoo.com so let me know as well if people want night shoots or day light shoots, either or would be good
don't use a model...it's just so...eh....lame? Haha, I don't know what it is, but I just find it kind of annoying when someones sitting on the hood of a nice car.
I would be down for the shoot, I have a thong too, I will even shave my legs for this, could you airbrush the pimples off my ass though?
everything is cool, I'm new here in ATL, so do you guys have any idea for location? I was thinking like a roof top of a parking lot of marta by my work, because there is never cars up there, and I know sometime it sounds not good with models but I need that for my business of photography. of course some cars will be no girls and some will.