and Ashley is going to have a baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111one We're soooooo excited to bring a third generation subaru baby into the family!! :banana: :banana: Congrats you two! I'll fill everyone in with more details as they come!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Congrats!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Time invest in a kiddie helmet for autox'ing!
no changes as of yet.....I'm going to have to be a bad friend and leave here pretty soon. Will will keep me updated and I'll in turn update everyone else!
Congrats, now wait until ASH25 goes out of town and leaves WJM alone with the baby and she falls in the bath tub and splits here lip (not that that JUST happened to Belvin or anything...)
I just got word. Charlotte Anne Maham came into this world at 7:55 this morning weighing in at 6pounds 11 ounces. She's a healthy healthy baby!! Congrats again you two!!! :banana:
thanks everyone! the labor was really short! 20 mins of pushing and CAM was out into the real world! So far everything is fine and dandy and we've moved into a normal room here at Nothside.
^^^ Ironically their baby pictures are just a like. Right now the only thing she has from me is her flat feet.