Because one with dealer plates was street racing on 985 and ran into the back of an integra at 120mph. Got this info from IA -----> This is ridiculous, and completely idiotic. Just giving subaru enthusiasts (and car enthusiasts) bad names. This kinda stuff needs to stop. I know we all race at some point, but be mindful of others and dont get too big of a head.
I met some guy named Muhamed the other night at the photoshoot, his car sounds exactly like the one this guy is talking about, and I think he said he lives up in that area. These idiots give the whole community a black eye. I wonder if his wheels were ok? I wouldn't mind having a set to powder coat.
sorry dude but you need to make sure of your information before you name someone. First off, I think his name was Ahmed, and he has a silver STI (with silver BBS's) not white with gold Accusing someone of something like that is not a good idea...especially if you are unsure of the facts
I don't recall accusing him of anything, I was just offering suggestions, what is with people always wanting to chastise people for things on these threads, Here is is an example of an accusation "It was this guy named Muhamed, it was him because his car was exactly the same, and he lives in that area.", but thanks for the tip.
Look, no one is pointing the finger at anyone and I could care less who it is, just as long as they get what they deserve for being stupid.
Ya thats what I was saying, I am not pointing fingers I am just offering suggestions, that Muhamed or Ahmed seemed like a straight up guy and someone who was smarter than to do something like that, but the only reason I suggested his name is because someone on importatlanta thread had already brought him up.
ok well I didnt bother reading the IA thread cause I dont go over there very often, but I didnt want someone saying that it was one of our members who did this. I mean how would you like it if a bunch of people started saying that you were a dumbass for wrecking your car and it obviously wasnt you....I was just making sure that the information in this thread was correct before people started jumping to conclusions
Ya, you are right I probably shouldn't have named him, but I was just trying to figure out who it could have been. I wouldn't care if wasn't me though, it is something that is pretty easy to clear your name of, I mean if it wasn't me I would just say "No my car is fine, it must have been some other good looking guy with an 04 STi."
i agree, this shit's gotta stop. spend 140$ get some track time and get it out of your fucking system already. and if you can't even afford to go to a drag strip then pick a new hobby. okay, i'm done...
I agree completely...I just wanted the correct person to get blamed for being a dumbass not someone who had nothing to do with it
I mean shit.... this guy probably spent more in gas than the $20 it costs to run all night out at Commerce. Nah, I'd rather risk the lives of anyone on the road. Straight up, it's just as bad as driving drunk!
Drunk driving is bad???? I kid, I kid... Even if that person was on the boards I doubt anyone will fess up. Anyways keep it legal and under control..
Well here is a link posted in the IA thread to a mug shot of the guy: 2007018165
Lol, that's the guy that pulled up that night when greg had his g2g at Pleasanthill. He parked across from us and didn't even bother to walk over and talk or say hi. I don't think he's on our boards.
yeah i remember that, he didn't really say anything to us at all. and all his friends decided it's cool to sit on the hood of my car...assholes
A complete fucking moron. That was a nice looking Integra, can't imagine that was really hit at 120mph but he and his girlfriend are both really lucky to be alive.
I remember seeing the dents on Toms(Toms WRX) brothers car from some dumbass sitting on it... If I remember correctly he was delt with accordingly. Now I don't set anything heavy anywhere on my car, especially the hood...
Well, you figure, it really wouldn't be 120mph, because the guy was already traveling 70mph when he got hit. So it's not like hitting an immobile object at a full 120mph.
See if any of these work. He didn't host the pics, so they were just attachments. Try clicking on one and see if it will work. Before:
After: Ok, that's every picture from the thread!
thanks....those still aren't working for me. they are directing me to sign in to view. I think they are cached in your browser and that's what's allowing you to see them. I appreciate the efforts though!!
Originally Posted by inutero93 that sucks dude .. glad your ok ... stupid sti owners most of them are fags they think there god because they waisted 30gs on a ugly ass turbo car . thats IA for ya.
not to worry! exactly why I refuse to sign back up for that shithole place. it's a waste of the internet.
There seems to be a real mix on there. Some complete fucking idiots and some genuinely good car people who use it for local meets. The athens meets are a prime example, some good people come out to them.
ohyea, i've been to bp meets in fridays or saturdays once a month or 2, i only go when i know ppl there but once there was a line of "fast and the furious" hispanics someone even brought their grandparents and kids!!! i come every time thinking yea...bp nights can change i'm sure its good this time...but i tend to leave before 12 every time.
I remember that STi, I though they were really "cool" I just wanted to say hi to them!!! dont forget to mention the "Hot stripper" that night, wanted to meet her too :fawk: :gfight:
Well said. IA is kinda like Nasioc except with 100% more rice, there is a lot of knowledge on there if you can sort through the bullshit to get to it. Its just hard to have good technical threads on a board that caters to all makes and models of cars. What works on one car doesnt always work on others. Killsforum meets are always fun when the numbers are down (less than 15 cars) and the southside meets are pretty decent; I always try to avoid anything on the northside of town if possible.