Need Help w/ my apartment complex

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Nemesis Digital, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. So being it my first apartment complex I have lived in I didnt want to skimp on a place and live somewhere really trashy and dangerous. Well at first I didnt think it would be , but now Im thinking otherwise. Right now I live at Gables at Lenox Hills. I pay approximately 900 a month and live 5 minutes from my job.

    Just this past week of being out of town my girlfriend had been there by herself. Well on this past Saturday night, there was a man shot right at his car late Saturday night. She said she saw six cop cars, etc, and a big commotion. In the past month, my car was broken into. The staff here sucks and the property manager doesnt know her ass (please excuse my language) from a hole in the ground. My lease is up this December but I want to find another place before then because I fear for my own safety and my girlfriends.

    Here is a link to some of the reviews of the complex.

    Could someone let me know what my rights may be to break my lease without any penalties? I need specifics too since I will be approaching the management with this.

  2. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    You will need to strongly express your fear for your own safety. Have all your information (criminal activity and dates) ready and on hand. I would also contact the police department and get a criminal statistics report for that apartment community. If you know the property manager is most likely going to say no I would not even bother with her. I would go straight to the Regional Manager for best results. In this business the squeaky wheel definitely get the grease. Be persistant! If you have contacted the PM in the past and she did not seem concerned make sure you tell the Regional that. Once you get in contact with the Regional Manager I would not attempt going through the property manager again unless you are told to do so by the Regional. (the PM will be pretty pissed that you went straight to the regional manager :) ) Good Luck man!
  3. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    good advice kris
  4. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    Read your lease. You should have gotten a copy when you signed it. If not, go get're entitled to it.

    Apartments usually handle it 1 of 3 either pay a percentage of what's left of the lease term and you loose your deposit, or if you find someone to take over the lease you pay nothing extra, or they won't let you do it at all and you just have to finish paying lease whether or not you live there.

    You really don't have any rights as far as safety. The complex isn't responsible for any type of safety on the premises. They may work with you on getting out of your lease if you explain things to them but they are not obligated to do anything.

    Your best bet is to read your lease...all of the answers are in there.

    Best of Luck!!!
  5. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    If you are paying that much for rent, I would suggest that you buy a house. Appt complexes are soo transient that it may have a good record but that can change with the move in of one tennent. I only lived in an appt for a year when I moved here and wanted out ASAP. Good luck.
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Great advice Kris!

    Good luck George -- is there a particular area you'd liket o live in?
  7. D_K

    D_K Member

    Sorry to hear George. Best of luck to you.

    just a suggestion:
    I live not to far from you off of Lenox and Pharr road. They have a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condominium for rent for $900. It is a nice and quiet place, and its right behind the cheesecake factory. If you are interested I can double check if its still there.

    good luck man!
  8. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Thats not entirely true, it all depends on how youre apartment complex presents itself. Is it a gated complex, do they try and sell you on security...etc....

    If they do present an image of saftey then you do have a leg to stand on. Honestly I would get an attorney, they take care of stuff like this with a quickness.

    If you have an attorney usally its not worth their time to even argue with you.

  9. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    This may be the case in smaller companies or single property (house for rent) cases but with a large community and company such as Gables this will not be the case.

    1) For breaking your lease there is typically a settlement option. This will probably not be listed in your lease. The settlement option is typically 1 1/2 - 2 months rent to break your lease.

    2) Find someone to take over your lease. I assure you that this will not an option.

    3) They won't let him leave. This is a possiblity.

    True. An apartment community, such as Gables, is not responsible for insuring anyones safety, however in the event of a murder, car break-ins, apartment break-ins and excessive criminal activity when security is advertised creates loop holes that can allow any tenant to vacate the apartment without any penalties when the point is pushed hard enough. You are more likely to get out of your lease if any of those incidents happened to you. But again they are not obligated to let you go. Its more or less considered "doing the right thing". See my advise in my previous post to help you out here.
  10. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Atlantic Station is getting this way too. WHen i moved in, nice, clean, quiet.

    now it seems like theres a party every night, people park outside the window blaring music at 3am, people broke into my are and stole my CDs and my cd player INSIDE THE LOCKED PARKING GARAGE, a guy got shot drive by style a few months ago
  11. jason

    jason Member

    i broke my lease at an apartment complex in statesboro. it was extremely ghetto. All my roomates smoked weed, which i honestly didn't have a problem with. the problem I had was that they did it 24/7 and I couldn't even study in my own room. When i approached the management the only thing they offered was the opportunity to move to another apartment. the only options they gave me were three black chicks or three gay guys. basically i just wound up leaving anyways and signing a lease elsewhere. they kept sending me letters telling me i owed them the rest of my lease (which was like 2300 bucks). I had my lawyer go ever the lease and it had a clause in it that stated that any type of drug use on the premises was illegal and would result in immediate eviction. So I had my lawyer write a letter citing that clause and i never received another letter from them again.

    so, look for something similar, could be the briefest statement.

    -Jake (BC2003UGA)
  12. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    While I don't blame you for not wanting to share an apartment with three gay guys, I must say, I live in Post Biltmore where I swear the tenants have got to be at least 50% gay (maybe exaggerating), and I love it here. When it comes to safety, Midtown apartments complexes full of gayness FTW!
  13. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    We own a triplex. It's hard to get out of a lease, but possible if you have all of your ducks in a row. Complain to the Housing Authority they will do an investigation. we had it happen to us once because we got mice one winter. One of our tenants called them on us. They came out an investigated and found that we were doing the right thing since we had an exterminator come out. Our tenant was just impatient. So it worked out for us....but they definitely will send someone out to check it out for you.

    Good luck and call me George on my cell. I'll PM it to you. I need to get a hold of uproot.

  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Where the hell do you live there? I live up off 14th and State :)
  15. Ashley25

    Ashley25 Member

    Well... take what ever advice you want. I've lived in 6 different apartments and although I never left early for safety reasons, I did leave early for work relocation from one of them and those were the options offered by complexes.
  16. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    My friend used to be a property manager and he was more lenient to good tenants. I saw him let a couple off of there lease to buy a house because they were good to him and the property. But I think your best chance of getting off is putting up a fight.
  17. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie Supporting Member

    if you move to another gables property then you cont have to pay any penalties to break the lease. i live in gables druid hills now and me and my roommates moved from gables lindbergh (now tuscany at lindbergh) if you can afford it then i reccomend gables rocks springs. it is very nice and in the virginia highlands area. that way you can live in a really nice and very safe place. that's what i would reccomend. that is also the easiest i think.
  18. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    jorge, remember when i was asking if you were moving to the standard? its in the same area and thats why i was concerned when i 1st found out your moving into that area.

    buy a house

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