Someone broke into my car...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by mmtasty, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    So I should be happy that I have a new to me '05 PSM STi (possibly the best car ever made), but lately my bad luck just seems to keep me from smiling.

    1) Work is really getting to me. People aren't doing their jobs and it makes my life stressful.
    2) Someone door dinged the SHIT out of me Sunday.
    3) Last night someone broke into my car and stole my NEW AND UNUSED Escort 9500i ($450!!!) and some other stuff (i didn't know the extent yet). This was up in Canton... The windows were half-way down.
    4) this morning I was trying to changing my front swaybar back to stock because this Strano bar is WAY too stiff for daily driving. Well, the PO didn't include the brackets that secure the stocker to the car. I assumed because they weren't there the brackets holding the Strano on where the stockers. Nope. I took it all the way off to find that out. To make the best of it, I thought I'd take a picture of it because I want to sell it. Thus, number 5
    5) the thief also swiped my digital camera. It was under my drivers seat.

    Just one thing after another... I'm not letting it get to me. I just can't wait for my luck to pick back up. If anyone has the bracket that hold a stock swaybar down let me know. I need them.
  2. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Damn... Sorry to hear all that bro.. If I was you, I'd be getting drunk right now. Thats 5 kicks to the sack allright. Why was your window down? I can sympathise with the co-worker situation, mine are ALL worthless, not one of them gives a fuck. I also got a door ding(allthough small) a week after I bought my car. Hold strong man!!
  3. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    well I hear you dude.

    my car got broken into on thursday night...pricks broke my rear drivers side window and stole my laptop case. luckily, the only things in it were my phone charger and my ipod charger...but now ive gotta get a new window.

    oh, and I also got a nasty door ding last week
  4. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    The week I bought mine, someone tried to break into it, but the alarm scared em off, and the next morning a passing truck threw a chunk of asphault into the side of car making a 5" lone gash and dent... Haven't had a scratch or dent since... It always happens as soon you buy a car
  5. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    damn..sorry to hear. are u gonna claim this on insurance? i'm glad my car is in the garage, because of the attention our cars get...the negative attention.:(
  6. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I am really sorry to hear about both of your cars getting broken into...The people that do this should be castrated.....It's just crazy how these people or thugs get away with this crap...makes me furious....I hope that the police catch these idiots. For the future though, you may want to take your valuables out of your car. I am glad that I have a garage now also. Someone actually tried to take off some lugnuts off my stockies...they got one and that was it. It was right after I was getting the endlinks installed.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2007
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Man everyone's car is getting broken into lately...

    I feel you on the digi cam being swiped it sucks! Who knows, maybe you can upgrade to a d70+ :)
  8. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Everyones having a shitty week/weekend.
  9. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    Sorry to hear that
  10. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Yuh... that's the second thought that went through my mind when I realized my Sony was gone. I think I'll hold off for a while. I don't know. :wtc:
  11. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

  12. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    my weekend was pretty good :D
  13. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    So the Canton Police actually caught the guy that was breaking into all the cars and got me my camera and knife back.

    Horay!!! So far this seems like a much better week.
  14. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    wow, kick ass!
  15. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Wow I didnt think they actually catch people. I had my car broke into before and the cop actually told me that the probably wont catch anybody :squint: I hate people who steal
  16. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Heh I'm having a shitty week. Stupid kids threw a bottle at me yesterday and shattered my windsheild. The next thing I know I hear what I describe as bb's being thrown at me. I hammer the gas and pass them and put the new Brembos to the test. They pull a u turn and I chase them. They thought they were gonna get away on a dirt road (heh they need to know what a WRX is meant for) and I catch up and snag their tag number. Then they spin toquina gravel all over my car. I follow them again to find out who they are and it's some 15/16 yr old looking kids. They are driving wreckless and I honestly thought they were gonna flip the car so I back off and call the cops since I have the tag number. Got a police report and now I'm waiting on the parents to call me back. They are gonna have to repaint the front of my car from all the chips and dings and fix my windshield. I'm ticked.........people suck.
  17. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    damn. that does suck. I hope that tag number alone gets you where you want to be. I would have followed them until they flipped. hahaa...
  18. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I started to but that would be immature and not so wise. In the past I would've.
  19. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Damn Mike! That sucks your new car got broken into. All of these horror stories are making me nervous about owning a loud yellow subie... Guess people are just jealous. Or need crack.

    My old car was broken into right before I bought the WRX. Some asshat broke the quarter glass and then stole $50 worth of car cleaning supplies I had bought to detail the car. THEN the fuzz came and dusted the CDs for finger prints on MY HOOD. Guess what? There were no usable prints. But at least I got to make a bitchin temporary window out of gorilla tape and cardboard... That thing was indestructible.

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