ha, that evo is what we affectionately refer to as the "yellow shelf" its been there forever and has no motor in it. just holds junk, full of junk. although, i'm sure its owner will eventually come looking for it...
That Evo is a PITA!!!!! It has been at our shop at least 2 years now....because someone ran out of money. We don't have the heart to put a mechanics lien on it. Thew guy is trying to trade us his '07 STI for the money he owes us on it. I don't know what Dan is going to do about it It was supposed to make 800 awhp when making 800 awhp was unheard of a few years ago..but now that's played out. And BG needs a maid!!!!!! Glad I don't work there anymore ~Tracy
wow is that Scott actually touching something under the engine bay?? OMG! He got a little dirty! ~Tracy