Anybody up for a game of Assasin?

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Kokopelli, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2007
  2. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    that looks kinda crazy....could be interesting though
  3. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    wow that would be awesome but i don't meet anyone on the boards very often haha.
  4. I've heard about this, but people do it with waterguns....theres a whole site dedicated to it and stuff.

    Apparently people get REALLY into it, like waiting in trees and breaking into houses and stuff.
  5. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    I'd imagine we'd draw the line at breaking and entering. Anyways I think the home should be a safe zone.
  6. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    they had like a 10 page article in maxim magazine a couple of months ago. It was played by real assassins

    I'm down to play.

    I say we create a thread like the sighting threads to keep track of game play. I say the safety zones would be any get2gethers like a dyno day or install day and we use airsoft pistols. We may need to have a get to gether to actually start it so we actually know what we all look like because I only know about 5 people off of hear. Who else is game?
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2007
  7. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    We did something like it back in high school with nerf guns. We had teams of 4. Each team put in $20. We set up a bracket. Each round was a week long and if one of the teams hadn't been eliminated, there would be a shoot-out to determine who went to the next round. It was ridiculously fun, although it got pretty hardcore (camping out in someones bushes at 4am, climbing on to roofs, getting people to set up there own friends, and so on).

    Tech sets up a game of assassins during greek week with squirt guns, but it's pretty lame because no one is really into it.
  8. Still, I don't have any more supersoakers or nerf guns anymore....and everyone knows the old ones were the best!
  9. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    Except Delta Chi, they hide people in bushes with laptops and facebook profiles.
  10. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Haha yeah, it was amazing how many nerf guns were rounded up by different means (ebay, toy stores, attics). Haha, the wildfire and rapidfire were the only way to roll (and they haven't made either of them in years).
  11. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    The only thing that scares me about it, is the fact that I carry....which isn't so much a problem for me as the guy jumping out of the bushs with an airsoft gun....
  12. If we did airsoft guns......i'll be set....haha except that can mess up cars and stuff.
  13. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    what r other alternatives? Wanna try and get some nerfs or similar? Airsoft might be a problem for 5-0 too unless we paint them
  14. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    and it would suck when i got shot in the eye.
  15. At least its not a pew pew laser :p

    Nerf guns would be cool if we could all get some.
  16. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    It's all fun and games until someone loses and eye, then it becomes a sport.

    Anyways. Link to Wiki Article shows no results. I have an idea of what you guys are talking about, but not 100% sure. Sounds like it could be fun.
  17. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    I think I saw this on CSI a while back. Seems pretty cool.

    Till the end of August, Texas is my safe zone :D
  18. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    the link is fixed now
  19. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    I'm not totally sure i know how to play.
  20. STiBottom

    STiBottom Member

    Haha this game is fun if you really get into your third grade personality. We did this for greek week and I soooooo got into it. To win I climbed up to a third level balcony just to get the last person out on a team. Too bad I got shot when climbing over the railing.
  21. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    You did see it on CSI. They were using water guns. One of the eliminated guys got eliminated and he got pissed. Took a blank round and tried to scare the guy that eliminated him. He didn't know that a blank round could still be deadly at close range and thus killed the guy.
  22. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I don't think we would get that serious with it
  23. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I'd be down to play. It would be hard to get each other if we had loud exhausts.
  24. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Sounds like a truck load of fun....but I'd be WAY too serious about it.
  25. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    You said 'ass' :keke:

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