Jury Duty

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by FACE, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    I have to serve jury duty for petit court today...should be fun.

    GUILTY...wait a second...do I know that guy...NOT GUILTY

    anyone ever served???
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  3. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    I've only been as far as calling in and then a day of waiting in a room for jury selection regarding a shoplifting case. It was very boring, and I didn't even have to listen to the case.

    Just two weeks ago I joked with a coworker about how to get out of jury duty, and now he's on his second week of serving on a jury. At least the court got at least one fair juror with my coworker.
  4. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    I have been called 4 times and actually served the first time. Serving sucks.
  5. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    ok so I sat for two hous and then was on the first panel called in to be questioned by the judge and lawers. They ask some really interesting questions and repeat themself as they are teaching kindergarden...then they tell us to come back two and a half hours later to see if your chosen for the case or if your going back in the waiting pool. I really hope to get on this case because the judge said he has a funeral to go to (my condolensis..sp) ut that we will be getting out early everyday and that it will take less than a week...I'll fill you guys in when I get out today...you know I'm just bord stitting around waiting for 2:30 to roll around...
  6. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    if you went through the entire process, then its probably going to trial. I was called up, and as they started Voir Dir(sp?) the defendant pleaded out and we were all sent home.
  7. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    If it's the defense attorney doing that he could be stretching things out because he's hourly. hehe..
  8. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    So I was picked for the case and will be severing all week and I am not allowed by law to dicuss matters of the case and you are not allowed by law to ask me questions about the case....(I will report you...LOL) anyway it has been an intresting day in court and I call tell you guys all about it when the verdict is made...its funny and I can't wait to tell ALL

  9. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I just got a jury summons on Saturday. I swear I was just on jury duty last year! Grr
  10. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    it's funny how they say we are picked ramdomly but so many people have never severed and then so many people have severed several times...cant wait to tell you guys about the case...should be good!!!
  11. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    So I'm off to another fun filled day of jury duty and dag this coffee is good...I want another cup but don't want to pee down my leg while listening to the lawers repeat them selfs and trying to make sence of this highschool type drama of a case...never thought I'd say it...but...I can't wait to get back to work...It is an interesting experience though...have a good one fellas

    I really hope to finish up today so I can share the funny parts with ya!
  12. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Ok so bear with me on this...

    Tony a mid 60 man and his gold digger...I mean GF walk into a bar after spending the day planning his brothers funneral to chill with some friends. As they walk in Tony states to the bouncer that he is going to kick Jimmys ass and the GF is approached by Jimmy...Tony says "please not tonight Jimmy."
    They walk to the end of the bar infront of the hallway to the restroom and hangout there chatting with friends for about 45 min when Jimmy walks their direction. As Jimmy approaches not speaking to anyone...Tony flicks a cigarette at Jimmy and says "leave me the hell alone."
    When asked by the lawer why he flicked a cigarette at Jimmy, Tony says "to get his attention to tell him to leave me the hell alone." (Now if I didn't want Jimmy to talk to me then why would I flick a smoke at him to "get his attention".......
    once the cigarette was flicked an Jimmy...hes punches Tony in the mouth nocking out a bridge and 4 other teeth:rofl:

    both men were taken down and then Jimmy is asked to leave and then Tony is told to never come back which he neglected to share with the lawers...the bouncer testified that he had barred Tony for life from the bar.

    Now if you flick a cigarette at someone that is a crimel act know as battery. If you flick a smoke at me...I will yell at you or hit you.

    We found Jimmy not guilty because if he is guilty then so is Tony....I just think it is sad that "grown men" are acting like children. Also I think that is was just a bar fight and Tony got what he had coming to him.:hsnono:

    This case should have never gotten to court and was a total was of our tax dollars and everyones time...like this post?

    anyways i think everyones should sever jury duty...interesting experience...

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