NEW Ga. Laws

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by knhtrdr, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Dont know if its a repost but if ya dont know they are enforcing this crap:

    Georgia Laws[FONT=&quot]

    Please be aware of the following new driving laws that the police will be
    ticketing drivers for. Most will not issue warnings for these offenses.

    1. Misuse of the car-pool lane- First time $1068.50 starting
    [/FONT]7-1-07 (The[FONT=&quot]
    $271.00 posted on the highway is old). Second offense is doubled. Third
    offense is tripled and fourth offense is license suspension. Thereafter,
    the driver may be jailed.

    2. Incorrect lane change- $380.00. Don't cross the lane on solid lines or

    3. Block intersection- $485.00

    4. Driving on the shoulder- $450.00

    5. Cell phone use in a construction zone -Double fine as of
    [/FONT]7-01-07. ***[FONT=&quot]
    Cell phone use must be "hands free" "while driving".

    6. Passengers over 18 not using a seatbelt - Both passengers and drivers
    get tickets.

    7. Speeders can only go 3 miles above the speed limit.

    8. DUI = JAIL! (Stays on driving record for 10 years)

    9. As of
    [/FONT]7-01-07 cell phone use must be "hands free" while driving. Ticket[FONT=&quot]
    is $285.00.

    Governor's Office of Workforce Development
    [/FONT]270 Washington Street, S.W., Suite 5191, Atlanta, GA 30334[FONT=&quot]
  2. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

  3. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Can a po-po (blueline?) validate these?
  4. jyang

    jyang Member

  5. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Beware of the three over cause small towns/rual areas gonna be killin that one. Not to mention major interstates I 285 by the airport, soccer moms and every one in between was gettin pulled over Wendsday before lunch.
  6. bbb

    bbb New Member

    Well if there are not enough laws to make criminals out of everyone how can they stay in business and justify all the jobs in criminal justice. Used to be protect and serve now, seems it is nab, grab and fine whenever possible. Ten more years you will go to jail just for thinking about it.
  7. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

    how exactly are we supposed to know about these?
    this one cracks me up though, it makes no sense:
    7. Speeders can only go 3 miles above the speed limit.
  8. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    Also recently fines increased for speeds over 85 :p
  9. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Sorry bout that.

    [​IMG] New Traffic Laws Email Hoax Warning mattmontgomery at: 7/12/2007 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]EMAIL TRAFFIC SPAM HOAX WARNING FROM GEORGIA STATE PATROL AND THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SAFETY

    July 11, 2007
    4:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

    An e-mail has begun making its rounds across the country listing several traffic laws that supposedly took effect in Georgia on July 1, 2007, including carpool lanes, incorrect lane changes, driving on the shoulder, and DUI. The e-mail also lists fines for the violations.

    The opening paragraph of the e-mail is:

    Please be aware of the following new driving laws that the police will be ticketing drivers for. Most will not issue warnings for these offenses.

    1. Misuse of the carpool....

    The e-mail is false and is being adapted for various states as it is passed along, most recently listing Georgia.

    Please be aware that this is false information and no such changes have occurred in Georgia. Information on this e-mail is listed at the following internet site:

    A summary of new and updated laws for Georgia is posted at:




    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TO GO TO THE GOHS HOME PAGE, CLICK HERE[/FONT]


  10. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Dmmit!! I'll research more next time. I did get it from friend, Hell even my grand mother told me about it. before I knew
    anyways explains it
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007
  11. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    ^^^ You beat me to it. ;)
  12. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Yeah I hate givin bad info.:eek:
  13. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Even if they were real... besides Doraville or campus police, who enforces any sort of traffic laws in Atlanta?
    I know in downtown, unless you look like a coke dealer or you are doubling the speed limit you won't get pulled for a minor traffic violation.
  14. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    ...and was drivin like a grandma the last two days:hsnono:
  15. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    damn laws.... LOL
  16. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Despite the fact its false, 3 over? The guns I thought were only accurate to 10mph or so, hence the 10mph over is okay :) That, and the Subaru speedo reads 5mph over for me.
  17. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    The speedo reads over for you because of your tires. With my old tires on the car, my speedo was dead on with the GPS. When I switched to Milos old wheels and tires that were slightly larger, my speedo was off by about 3 mph.

    I always thought the xx miles over grace was 1) Do to the accuracy (lack thereof) of the Detection Devices, and 2) Due to minor calibration differences between factory speedos. 55 in your Honda Civic, may be 56 in your Honda Accord, which may be 54 in your Nissan Titan, etc...
  18. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I have heard (from a friend that recently had to take defensive driving) that they are cracking down on blocking intersections. Basically, don't pull into the middle of the intersection when you're waiting to take a left (or be an ass and gridlock).
  19. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    hey guys, i have an awesome traffic lawyer that knows all the ropes.
    He's like almost 60 years old, but his hobby is fighting traffic tickets.
    He used to be in litigation but he's retired now and does this on the side.
    The good thing is he charges 100 flat for most speeding cases. If he can't
    get it completely removed, he'll get it to it isn't sent to the state dmv so it
    never shows up on your record. the guy is awesome. my dad and I use him all
    the time. heheh. if you get one from out of town, you don't even have to show up.
    he knows all the strings. PM when you guys get in trouble :)
  20. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    it is your responsibility as a citizen of the state of GA to know the laws and abide by them. NOBODY has to to sit you down and read them to you.
  21. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    ^luckily, they're not real. :)
  22. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    well regardless. don't expect to get off with a warning when you get pulled over for a window tint violation, or for not merging to the other lane when a cop has someone pulled over because you "didn't know". the cop will say, "well that sucks for you"
  23. Negative, has nothing to do with the accuracy of the detection equipment..... Lidar is considered to always be accurate, if it fails its self calibration it simply won't work until repaired by the manufacturer..... radar is calibrated regularly by the officer and is periodically serviced and calibrated by the manufacturer.....

    It's all political..... the 10mph allowance prevents departments (especially smaller ones) from pulling over every other car on the highway for 47 in a 45 and generating excess revenue..... food for thought, GSP is not constrained by this regulation.....

    Speedo being out of calibration generally won't make a difference..... you would almost need to scientifically prove that your speedo is off by a certain percentage (i.e., not your buddy driving next to you or trying out the cops' roadside radar trailer), and unless you have a whole lot to lose in court I imagine it would be slightly cost prohibitive.... and if it's so far out of calibration as to make a significant difference, you could possibly get a ticket for an improperly operating speedometer.... ;)

    And it's already been said, but yes, those "laws" are fake as hell....
  24. And those "move over law" violations are killer.... $500 fine..... :eek:hnoes:
  25. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Can you confirm or deny whether you are likely to get a ticket for pulling out into an intersection while you're waiting to take a left hand turn? A good friend that went took defensive driving said the instructor told them that cops are starting to give tickets for that.
  26. Depends..... so many people do it that if I pulled over everyone I saw doing it I would never get anything else done..... now if you pull yourself into the dead center of the intersection and mosey on across after the light has turned red, yeah, you may get talked to..... just depends on the situation..... anytime you really screw with the flow of traffic you can expect a ticket if there's a cop around.....
  27. V_WRX

    V_WRX Member

    Those "prank" laws have been around for a while. I would modify the first post and say that they are fake cause many people just read the first posts.
  28. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    sigh, wish there had been a cop at an intersection I was at earlyer today. Lady missed the stop line by over a car length which put her right smack in the middle of my turn lane. What made things even more fun was that it was a double lane'd turn, thus forcing me to merge over and then back into my lane.

    I suppose sticking the shifter into reverse was much too hard to do.
  29. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I can't wait for that cell phone one to be true... I'd have to say thats the number 1 cause of bad driving out there. I've been using hands free since it became available and will pull over if the number I have to dial isn't in contacts.......

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