saw a wrc blue 02-03 wrx on hwy 21 garden city, whoever he is he flashed his lights at me to say "hey" thats cool more people should do that down here.
did it look like an STi? may have been Ben. Hazzard. but who knows, there are tons of WRB WRX's out there
It sounds like Joe. I live in Savannah to. I have a 05 blue wrx. I havent got together with the guys lately because I have been busy with work.
nope, that was me. i was heading to work this morning. can't believe that i actually saw someone from this board down here edit: btw, welcome to the boards.
sweet nice ride, i like the bugeyes i was gonna get a blue 03. btw anyone planning any g2g's here in SAV?
man, that was a good guess on my part. Ben, I'm moving back to Statesboro, we need to get together sometime.
yeah, just have to find a weekend that works for everyone. there are only a few of us that are still in town that check the boards, but i have most of everyone else's phone numbers, so i will try to get them out also. we usually post g2s's here in the savannah section, so just keep a lookout. cool. you going back to southern? or did you find a job down here?
05, is your car white? if so, i saw you this morning on 21. i was catching a ride w/ my girlfriend to work this morning. jameson, i will be out of town this weekend, maybe do it on the 10th?