Another one bites the dust...

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Pomorski, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    So, I was cruising back home from a grand day of grocery shopping in my wicked fast grocery getter when there was a nice little three car pile-up.

    Was westbound on 80 in Pooler about a mile west of I-95 following a Firebird and had a Nissan to my right when a GMC Sierra decided to pull out in the left lane straight towards us. For those who don't know, this part of 80 is one-way, a bunch of buildings and then the other direction, in other words, a split highway sort of thing. The Firebird dumps to the right lane getting sideswiped by the GMC and nearly getting rear-ended by the Nissan, I gave the Firebird a little love tap to get it out of my way so I could partake of the GMC myself and took his bumper right at the driver's side headlight. As you can see from the picture, I have a perfect mold of his bumper. Of course, the GMC only has a scratch and slight twist to his bumper. Dammit.:mad:

    Now I get to have loads of fun dealing with the insurance. So, who knows of the absolute best bodyshop here in town?

    I guess the only good thing thing is that I finally had a chance to use the camera phone.

    Here's me:
  2. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    Rest of the pics...

    Here's the Firebird and yes, that's my paint on her bumper:

    Here's the perp:

    Here's the mighty obvious one way sign where he was turning:
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2007
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    damn dude....that sucks

    Ironically, I know exactly where this took place. I was at that VERY intersection about 3 months ago while out and about before a race at Roebling.

    She'll be fixed, good as new. What did the driver say about why he turned the opposite direction down a one way road?
  4. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    dude, sorry to hear that!
  5. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    Thats sucks man. Take your car to Subaru dealership bodyshop.
  6. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    damn, that sucks Al. i hope nobody was seriously hurt.

    i am not sure what shop to recommend for body work, but what ever you do, do not go to Wards. I know too many people who have bad experiences there (including myself).

    did the driver of the GMC get charged for being at fault for the accident?
  7. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah that sucks majorly. we were just out there the other day for the meet!
  8. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Sorry to hear/see it man! Hopefully insurance won't be too much of a biatch.

    PS - I'm still enjoying my nice exhaust rumble ;)
  9. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Man, that really bites...some drivers just don't have a clue. I really like your WRX....I hope that your insurance company get's things rolling really quickly for you and settles this asap. Good Luck Bro...oh, and I love your SSR's btw...mine are the same but gold. Everything will work out OK for you.

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2007
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    We have the technology to rebuild it!

    Gives you a chance to pick up a new set of headlights on the insurance co. tab ;)
  11. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    wow!!!! that must blow.....glad you're ok.....not bad pics for a camera phone either
  12. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    he did admit fault but the bad thing is that the police report is wrong. just went down there and had to have them revise it. dammit.
  13. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    no one was hurt which was good.

    you're the second person who has said not to go to ward's so i guess i'm not going to ward's...

    it doesn't say who was at fault which sucks.
  14. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    we'll see about the insurance but glad you're enjoying the exhaust!
  15. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    yep, i might even think about chipping in a few bucks and upgrading to HID!!!
  16. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    the pics of mine are from my XTi SLR camera at the towyard. the other pics of the Firebird and the GMC are from the camera phone. now don't get fooled on the size, I dumbed down the SLR pics but didn't bother changing the phone pics...
  17. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    dude I didn't realize they made yellow wagons!
  18. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    sux about the wreck bro

    seems like accidents are never a good experience....i had one back in feb..had my 04 xb totaled by someone making a left hand turn..dude didn't get a ticket cuz it was "private property"...which it wasn't...ring road around Gwinnett place mall..stuff like that pisses me off.. but anyways, again sorry about the accident and hope it all goes smooth as possible.
  19. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Sucks man, get your insurance to pay for some JDM HIDs.
  20. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Hey man, at least you're not driving an xb anymore. Oh snap!
  21. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    yep. in '03 they made a total of 1500 Sonic Yellow WRXs and 450 of them were wagons. in '02 they made 1500 Blaze Yellow WRXs and 450 of them were wagon also.

    i did have a relatively nice collectors item but now it's not worth as much anymore dammit.

    1 of 450 has to mean something, right?
  22. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member


    lol that is true..but damn that thing was fun..still have it..deciding on rebuilding so if I do i can't get my great MPG w/ it and start building the legacy =) Heres a pic of da box......currently in ICU and reminder i was only doing about 20mph [​IMG]


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