WHAT IS CORNHOLE? Well... It's Many things: Corn toss, Bean Bag or Bean Toss. They all mean the same thing: Corn Hole. It's a game of fun for everyone (that rhymes), and it can be played everywhere! It's similar to horseshoes, except you use wooden boxes called cornhole platforms and corn bags instead of metal stakes and horseshoes. Players take turns tossing their corn bags at teh cornhole platform until someone reaches the score of 21 points. A corn bag in the hole is worth 3 points, while bags on the platform are worth 1 point. SOUND LIKE FUN? REGISTER HERE! http://atlanta.creativeloafing.com/cornhole/ 64 Teams | 2 Players Per Team | $20 Entry Per Team | Free Admission Rain or Shine | Beer & Food Available for Purchase | No Coolers Allowed Pre-Registration Required | Register By 8/17/07 at noon Does anyone want to sign up? We could have a WRXAtlanta team(s)!!
I played this for the first time a couple weeks ago. Let's just say that my hand-eye coordination are quite below normal.
are you serious? you want me to sign up for something called the Cornhole Championships?!?! that just sounds like an ass-pounding waiting to happen! They may as well call it the Midtown Olympics or something... that is probably the worst name for an event of all time! count me OUT! Sorry, I'm in a pissy mood today.
So whats the prize for winning? Winner gets striped naked and forced to run thru a cornfield backwards, hence the name Cornhole?
Quote: Originally Posted by wrxin8or cornhole is fun as hell...although I can only play when I am absolutely getting hammered ouch. (literally)
I played this once, I was laughing so hard I couldn't hit the side of a barn! (drinks had nothing to do with it) :keke:
Definitely a fun game. Definitely way more fun with a beer in your hand. I guess that's my fratty side talking.